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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. The way you guys are thinking, we'd still be playing at Jefferson & Best in the Rockpile and the Sabres would still be in the Aud. Any building, stadiums included, has a useful life. Once that's been met or exceeded, all the "upgrades" in the world will likely not be cost effective. Lambeau is what it is. Soldier field was totally rebuilt from the inside out. I don't think Rich is a candidate for any of that. So that's the BIG problem. Like it or not, we need to replace our Stadium. How/where the money comes for that is the next BIG question! I think that's a big reason why the talks have essentially stopped. The decision makers see this and don't have a good plan going forward.
  2. Did Buddy's Lips move?
  3. I've had a Dog most of my life. Had a Irish Setter/Spaniel mix when I was a kid. He had a sweet tooth and used to love to jump into the Hall Bakery Truck, in S Buffalo, and grab whatever looked good, and take off! I'm on Golden Retriever #6 now. He's a rescue dog from the Animal Shelter. I think he may have run away from whomever had him before, and that's how he ended up in a shelter. All the previous dogs, except the first one, were rescue dogs, and they were all great!
  4. Don't rush me, sonny. You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles. Buddy Nix.
  5. Starting to miss Hank Bullough!
  6. "Tis' but a scratch!" - The Black Knight!
  7. They were great planes in their day. The high price of fuel, maintenance, and the 3 person crew killed them. Every time I have to fly on one of the modern day "lawn darts," or even a 737, I realize home much I miss them. I think even FedEx has stopped flying them now. If you live anywhere on the Nascar circuit Roush Racing still flies 2 of them. One is an old Braniff plane. I understand they have an extra one down in NC that they just use to pick parts off of. American was the first to fly them out of BUF in either 64 or 65. The BILLS used to always fly United (60's thru 90's) on either a 727 or larger, depending where they were going.
  8. There was a Your Host on Seneca St, just West of Casenovia. Nothing like rolling in there late at night for breakfast and the "morning" Courier to read up on; how cheap Ralph is and the various other the latest BILLS problems of the day. As for waiting for "our letter," the induction center used to be on Main at North. They used to give out vouchers for lunch at the Anchor Bar. Of course, nobody knew wtf Wings were in the mid 60's. It was a dump then too! Surprised nobody mentioned Decco? The working man's Starbucks!
  9. But this is a Free Counrty. Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Big Pumpkins!
  10. Guaranteed Contracts cancel out Mental Toughness!
  11. Anyone who runs a Chinese restaurant in KY didn't make the cut in NYC or the Left Coast! NEVER go out of Chinese in KY!
  12. When I lived in Seattle they had, and likely still have, BURN BANS! You can't use your fireplace when a burn ban is in effect, unless it's your only source of heat. They get temperature inversions during the cold weather and all the smoke get trapped, kind of like the LA smog. If you get caught using your fireplace during a ban, you get fined! They also make you buy "oxygenated gas" in the winter. It makes your car run like crap but it's "supposed" to lessen the pollution. It also costs more, but what's a few more cents on top of what we already pay for gas? Tree huggers are behind all this lunacy!
  13. Move the team to the FALLS! If we had a FALLS address it would nake it easier for all the Sports Writers to work in our Weekly "falls" to all other teams.
  14. Yeah, we'll perfect our West Coast OFFENSE! This will be great for our Canadian Marketing...deux-deux, or as they say in BUF sh*t!
  15. Busted one year shy of graduation?
  16. Would you mind blowing into this baloon?
  17. No doubt he should be gone BUT who's going to want the job? Are the BILLS that bad to work for?
  18. It rains A LOT in BC. If you leave your windows down, you're calling attention to yourself, and likely have a wet as*!
  19. He's so "coked out," what does he know?
  20. What a great idea...check voters ID with Drones!
  21. It's the Jedi Mind F*** again! He obviously missed our Jets game.
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