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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Buddy needs to remember what Ralph & Russ already know....Winning sells Tickets. Friends are friends and contracts are contracts BUT business is busness. I don't buy that crap about "starting over." We already have good players. If we need to make a coaching change, or more, it's not exactly Starting Over.
  2. I'm still waiting for "the motions" to start.
  3. Houston has a DEFENSE, coached by Wade Phillips. So far, we have nothing! I hope we win BUT I don't think we have a prayer.
  4. Ah! Le Anchor Bistrot. Aile de poulet tre epice!
  5. On this day in 1987, we traded for Cornelius Bennett, so anything's possible! Possible but not probable.
  6. Yeah, now the "CEO" of the Strip Club is going to do a lap dance on him!
  7. Can you say WONDERLIC? Hope his financial skills surpass his medical knowledge.
  8. After 53, or so, I have not stopped caring! If you've been around for 30, you started being a fan during the good times. Unfortunately, those times don't happen often enough. After enjoying the late 60's and then suffering through the 70's and most of the 80's, I can tell you that it's not all good, but they are still my team, and a good reason to drink more than I should.
  9. That's how we got Cornelius Bennett.
  10. I miss Wade more!
  11. The Simpsons??? Doh!
  12. At least Brooklyn seems to want them. Can we say the same about Toronto?
  13. The only reptiles that eat ants in the U.S. are the horned lizards. Maybe a pair for you and the girlfriend? Don't know if Lizard sh*t has an odor!
  14. Trust me, there is no dissolution over time. I base that on The Braves fiasco. A lot of water has gone over Niagara Falls since then but even today I'll say; What NBA??? The LA story is just that, a story. IF LA ever gets an NFL team the: Raiders, Chargers, Rams, of Jags will be there long before the BILLS.
  15. Makes sense to me! The genius' in the office want their previous Draft Picks to perform badly so we can Draft more future NFL Busts! Ticket Sales will skyrocket.
  16. That was the same season as the HEIDI GAME. Hard to believe that there were not that many "color" TV's then. A "big screen" was 21". If you wanted to see the game in color you either had to go to the game, or go to a bar that had the TV.
  17. I have one of those too, but I'm looking for my razor blade right now.
  18. Better add a good chainsaw to that tool list. If you still have leaves left on the trees, that heavy wet snow may bring a few trees down. Let us know how the old snow blower works on a wet snow/wet leaves mixture.
  19. Just came in to say hey to Mario! He'll never play here, he hasn't had enough Reps.
  20. This deal does not pass the smell test! As I understand it, it's all coditioned on the one NFTA location. No doubt we need a Stadium, but leveraging the whole deal to one specific location tells me that somebody stands to get very very rich while passing the "savings" on to the taxpayers. There are too many other WNY locations to tie everything up over this one parcel of land.
  21. Makes no sense. We already have Brad for our do nothing "wildcat." IF he did come to BUF, Chan wouldn't use him "because he didn't get enough reps!"
  22. $1.4B could be better spent elsewere? Where's the $1.4B hiding? Nobody actually has the $1.4....it will be borrowed/financed. The BILLS, the County(s), NYS, Bonds and "new" debt will no doubt be used. I don't know how/if Canada fits into this. Since we don't have the $200M to put the new dress on the old whore, what's the difference? The Adelphia boys should be out soon, maybe they have a few $B buried somewhere? The BILLS could try to get a share of the Bridge(s) Revenue on game days, or maybe have the State Department offer a BILLS Passport Card with a portion of the revenue going towards the stadium? Does NYS still have BILLS license plates? Are the BILLS getting any of that revenue? No doubt Ticket prices will be going up too. Creative offerings call for creative solutions! I prefer a topless Stadium. It may be less expensive too!
  23. First thing that came to mind was April Fools! Then I was wondering what it would cost without the roof? Somehow Green Bay, Chicago, and Cleveland play withut roofs. Seattle blew up the Kingdome, before it was even paid for, and built a Stadium without a roof. Putting hundreds of millions into RICH is a waste of money. Looking to the future, a new Stadium is the only way to go. I prefer no roof but, so far, they have never asked me.
  24. The BILLS should plan a pre-Thanksgiving food drive. Don't wear a paper bag, albeit well deserved, fill it with groceries for people in need. We could show our "considerable" displeasure AND help those in need. For those of you who still want to go the paper bag route, don't forget the big mustache!
  25. It seems to me that every time Forbes comes out with a list of bad or negative things, good old BUF makes the list. As others have rightly said, we made it and Chicago didn't????
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