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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I grew up in S Buffalo, the neighborhood has changed since the 50-60's and there's no way I "feel at home" there! It's kind of scary!
  2. When we were OH-for the 70's, yes it would have been a big deal. Now 40+ later, not so much! BUF has changed, the NFL has changed, MIA certainly has changed in 40 years, so now compared to a New England game, MIA is just another annoyance. A Must Win annoyance, but an annoyance none the less!
  3. That's cruel! NYC takes away the big soft drinks and then comes up with this??? How the hell are you supposed to enjoy it?
  4. Politics wise, IF Lambeau was in Erie County, or WNY, there wouldn't be a Lambeau!
  5. Hope there is a season, in my lifetime, where we are not depending on everyne else to croak, to make the playoffs!
  6. I don't recal these problems at the Rockpile! What will happen IF they ever build at another location? New non-industrial Lake Pollution?
  7. Even a Broken Watch is right 2x a day! How did we ever get 4 W's??
  8. Every time I hear W-I-L-D-C-A-T, I could just
  9. I wonder how many Hurricane Sandy got in NYC?
  10. He likes the BUF Food, so it's a win-win!
  11. Scar tissue will eventually dull the pain. Also a lot more skepticism at the beginning of each season will allow you to accept this more. It's not exactly a new feeling!
  12. I'm holding out for the Courier Express.
  13. Absolutely YES! BUT as Head Coach. Ralph re-hired Lou Sabin, so anything's possible. At this point, Ralph likely couldn't even remember why he fired him, but Wade does, so I guess we can keep on dreaming.
  14. That's Buddy's "Fountain of Youth." IF he does not leave till he drafts a franchise QB, and IF it takes another 20+ years to find, AND sign one, he's got instant job security and longevity. We may even have a new stadium by then?
  15. Of course you're right BUT if/when there are coaching vacancies there's usually a very short line of qualified candidates. Buffalo and the BILLS get no national respect, so it's a tough sell to get any good people interested in taking the jobs. On top of that, Ralph could be close to the big dirt nap, and when that happens, what happens with respect to the BILLS future?
  16. I thought THE GONG SHOW was over.
  17. I think we should call Gregggg...he's probably not doing anything this Sunday.
  18. So stick with "high end" strippers, and yes the pole would be a good focal point/conversation piece, if nothing else! You never know, one or more of your guests may have talent you were unaware of. I'll bet someone will want to try it out.
  19. We're resisting saying he may be "good for nothing!"
  20. Gibraltar is "controlled" that joke in Texas is out of control!,r
  21. Having a vehicle road cross through a runway safety area, at an uncontrolled airport, is insanity. The FAA certifies the Airports and the inspector should have required Airport management to either close the road to all traffic or reroute it far enough off the end of the runway to be outside the safety area. They're lucky nobody got killed!
  22. Bud Adams is a first rate a'hole! I was living in Houston when he screwed them over. When I look at the stands in a Texans game, I have to wonder if any of them are former Oilers fans..I'll bet not!
  23. IF TJ is still only #3 on the Chart, why did we bother signing him? Is he really better than Vince? I don't see Chan putting him in, ahead of Thig,
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