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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I thought this was solved years ago...Big Foot is Bob Lanier.
  2. Most terrosists don't shave so no worries...Ooops I'm profiling again!
  3. If the BILLS weren't so bad, it might be good!
  4. It's classified as a small electronic device and is OK. Assuming you have a carry-on bag, put it in there.
  5. Funny, nobody's mentioned the economy. Pro sports are definately over priced no matter what the sport or location.
  6. Wouldn't that make them the Home Team?
  7. Unfortunately, most of our recent Drafts see to me "Mock!"
  8. The Argo's success must be making the BILLS product a tough sell in Toronto. Their season is over, with a successful conclusion, while the Groundhog says we have 6 more weeks of misery!
  9. Hope one of us wins because we should ALL be paying more taxes!
  10. Pay Wade triple what he's making now, he'd come back. OR Greggggg may be off double secret probation by then?
  11. "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine."
  12. If we could agree to kill the Wildcat, all the other gimmick BS, and go with the high percentage stuff especially in the red zone, yes it's doable. Hope, like New York Taxes, springs eternal!
  13. "The deer seemed friendly!" What was he going to do, strike up a conversation?
  14. Great story. No doubt the dog would do the same for her, so it's only fair.
  15. Usually any time after Thanksgiving. Artificial Tree, so no worries. We may wait till 12/22 this year to see how the Mayan thing plays out. No sense dragging all the sh*t out for nothing!
  16. Florida has been called God's Waiting Room.
  17. Uh you left out a couple W-I-L-D-C-A-T plays.
  18. Two things "age" can get away with, The Blues and The BILLS. Very similar! People that are older usually have more lifetime experiences to sing the blues about, but Rock & Roll starts to look a little pathetic! Maybe if they hit Mick with the shock paddles, at the beginning of Start Me Up, it would be worth watching?
  19. At least he died having seen his Team win ONE SUPER BOWL! Will we ever be able to say that?
  20. Not any Tailgating at the Rockpile! Obviously there were no parking lots but the City used to really enforce "open container laws." There were some run down bars around Jefferson/Best, but many of us got on a Cottrell Bus, from a "neighborhood" tavern and had our pre/post game party on the way to/from the game. Living in BUF, I grew up listening to KB. Living in S VA., I used to enjoy KB Radio at night. A touch of home and more than a few good memories. Once they changed programming format, forget about it. It's lunacy without the laughs! R.I.P Jeff.
  21. Maybe the roof will get stuck open that day Is this the best that our cross-border marketing can come up with?
  22. 2 INT's against a pretty good defense...I think we're at least that far now, without the draft. Could Barkely be the next Trent or RJ?
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