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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Can't use that one, it's not allowed in CANADA!
  2. This never would have happened in Lackawanna, and IF it did, it wouldn't have made the news!
  3. You forget, our "marketing partners to the North!' Possibly a hook up with Red Green would be in order. We could have the Possum Lodge Bills. They play dead every Sunday!
  4. Take Marshawh out for some fun before the game, and let him drive. That will control the running game. Use TJ to get "all" the inside scoop as the Jests did with Maybin. Assemble all naked pictures of Pete Carroll, his California rap sheet, and give them to the OPP's & Canada Customs a few minutes before the the plane lands. Remind them that they are cursed for luring away Chuck Knox. Put a huge picture of Brian Bosworth being run over, on the JumboTron. Have the team bus park next to one of the Toronto "Homo Milk" trucks. IF we can do that, we may have a shot of feeling like the Home Team. We'll still likely lose, but the entertainment value may be priceless!
  5. He's starting to make Hank Bullough look like a Rocket Scientist!
  6. Yeah, actually make the other Team think we're serious about winning!
  7. IF he said the same thing about the Canadians they likely would not admit him into Canada and if they did, they would likely arrest him and then forget where the hell the put him for a few years! Lucky for us that Chan says he's "not a great performer."
  8. Obviously not my words BUT: The old adage “Buffalo is a drinking town with a sports problem” is undeniably true. Late last year, Buffalo was listed among the top 25 drunkest cities in America, based on statistics compiled by the Daily Beast. Perhaps that has something to do with the information revealed in a new Trulia study: there are 6.8 bars per 10,000 Buffalo households. Of the top metro areas with most bars per 10,000 households, Buffalo ranks No. 7, just after not-too-far-away Syracuse. Maybe that's another reason that I switched from Chevrolet/Buick to Nissan in '83, and don't miss Mr. Goodwrench!.
  9. Howard's probably doing his intro's now!
  10. Pearl Harbor-2409 killed. 9-11-2996 killed. Different times and different Politics.
  11. Well pay attention because we're all OFFENDED!
  12. The NBA screwed up big time when they let the Jazz name leave the city. It was perfect. I never could figure the Utah Jazz, very oxymoronic.
  13. If you could call Tailgating; Beaver Tail, Homo Milk and Poutine, I guess the party would be on eh?
  14. Can't wait to see what they do for Ramadan!
  15. Kicking the can down the road Double down on this or that Having said that Reach out to this or that preventative..where the F*** did the extra TA come from? LOOK
  16. Sad but true! I left in '70, for a better job. I've lived in; the DC (N VA) area, Chcago, Houston, Seattle, and now Richmond VA. I did what I needed to do to keep a job for 40+ years. When I left, BUF still had the Steel industry, and a much larger Automibile production presence. Now, not only are the jobs gone, but the factories are mostly gone too. I see the TV spots about NYS being OPEN FOR BUSINESS, and wonder what they're smoking? Would I go back? Sure I would EXCEPT for one thing-not the weather either- it's the Taxes! Unless NYS and WNY ease the tax burden and encourage business to not only locate but to stay, WNY will continue to be in decline, and that is sad!.
  17. That's the kind of "social" meeting where you want to get there early, to get the seat in the corner, to cover your back!
  18. You'd have to think that it's at least programmable. Could Chan write a game plan that it would understand? Are parts available? How many yards downfield can it throw? If it spoke, would it have a Southern accent? Does it have an Agent? Think of it as a latter day PTR! Roughing the Robot...15 yards?
  19. Sounds very Ivy League. Can you get a Letter or a Scholarship? It's also close to Foxboro, which makes a lot of sense!
  20. Seems we've tried this before with Losman and Trent, and a few more before. What's it take for the BILLS to figure out that it may not be possible to make such as change? If a QB has questionable "throwing mechanics" why are we signing them? Why did we sign Vince & TJ? Maybe it's our questionable scouting or "signing mechanics that should be evaluated!"
  21. You'd be OK to fly, but please give us a heads up if you suddenly get the urge to park your vehicle in populated areas or around government buildings.
  22. Iran snapped up ALL the Atomic Energy labs but it's OK...they're only using them for peaceful purposes!
  23. Kind of the same reason they don't need a round trip ticket, or an extended vehicle warrenty? Ah the simple life!
  24. IF the Mayan's are right and IF BUF is somehow spared, while everyone else is not...WE'RE IN!
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