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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I agree! Having said that, how does anyone "coach" a person with a $100 Mil. contract?
  2. Exactly! That's on the Bucket List for sure!
  3. If that's the way we run interviews we're screwed! You interview to find out what they can do for you NOT so much what you can do for them. Why would we ever "float" a specific player(s) to a candidate especially one that's not even on our roster?
  4. Obviously as a Franchise long Fan, I have to hope for the best BUT I'm troubled by the fact that he's been here for 16 years, and we have not made the Playoffs for 13! Whitey's been gone since '06, and as I recall there was a period of time before Nix, where Russ was more or less "in charge." What can he point to as a BILLS success('s) along the way? Did he have any input or did he just sit on Ralph's knee and move his lips??? Did he ever speak up to keep Wade? What part did he have in the rerst of the HC Chain of Fools, while he was at 1 Bills Drive? Ralph's decision, is Ralph's decision. Ralph is 94 and he's never been one to "think outside the box!" He only hires people who nod and say yes a lot, and if this could be another of those hirings, I don't expect a lot of change, and do really hope that I'm wrong!
  5. The BILLS are considering offering either a case of logo covered Pampers, or a BILLS Pacifier, for the times when the kids just Want to Shout!
  6. That was taken at one of his parties where they had an OJ look alike contest.
  7. I hope you're right! Maybe it's the Economy? Hopefully whomever we get will be the real deal, not some phony blow-hard, "interviews well" imposter like Greggggg!
  8. It's an impressive list BUT, how many of them would really consider coming to Buffalo? It's home for most of us, and no doubt we'd jump at such an opportunity, but attracting pro-level experienced coaching candidates has been a hard sell in the past.
  9. Can't be any worse than Chan! How many 4th quarters did we start with only 1 Time Out left?
  10. I expect that Nobody will be hiring Anybody till we have a new Head Coach. Hopefully whomever that turns out to be, will hire a staff based on experience and past performance rather than good memories! It's almost 2013 not 1993.
  11. It's troubling that he wasn't a part of the "Chan's gone" story! He should have gone FIRST, or at least, at the same time!
  12. Not sorry to see this BUT considering the short line of "candidates" when we hired Chan, can we expect any better in the future?
  13. Reminds me of the movie KINGPIN!
  14. Hopefully he dosen't step out of his Detroit burrow, see his shadow, and declare 13 more years of no Playoffs!
  15. Likely a Hooker Lobbyist had something to do with it. Is that too oxymoronic for DC??
  16. Seriously, have your Testerone level checked. I don't know how old you are but once you hit 40 it may be a possibility.
  17. "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" Animal House '78!
  18. Ask anyone from Niagara Falls...Milstein is a BS'er and a Crook! He owns a lot of Commercial Property in the old "downtown" area. Has made all kinds of development promises over the years and never follows through. If he's tight with Jim, chances are he see's an opportunity to help himself, not Jim, and not the BILLS. He's a lot like the John Y. Brown of Niagara Falls!
  19. You'll be throwing your Garlic Powder away after using the real thing.
  20. Hopefully this is NOT a serious consideration!
  21. Everyone that knows what Boxing Day is, is at the Mall. The Knuckle Draggers, and people that didn't receive any gifts are all that are left here.
  22. If we could somehow get the $1B+ we sent to Iraq and the $1B+ we sent to Libya last year, diverted to our new Stadium, we'd be all set! At least WE would be greatful and wouldn't hate the place where the money came from!
  23. Anybody that can't make a go of a Bar in Buffalo, and a Sports bar at that, has no business being involved in money decisions.
  24. So is that why they all say YOU BETCHA??
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