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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. There is no "aside" for that! If that's our plan, which I doubt, I'd rather go 0-16 than give him a job.
  2. Rock on till Octber or November. By then it will be all Southwest in Richmond.
  3. The caption under her picture spells Hofmann with 2 F's. Are we talking about the same sausage here?
  4. That's another example of how the News Media loves to report, but don't know enough about the topic to get their facts straight.
  5. That's handy, considering where he has to live.
  6. This makes no sense! Not her behavior as much as the fact that JetBlue does not have a First Class. They only fly 2 types of plane and they're all one class airplanes. The diversion may be a fact, but whatever happened did not involve First Class. www.seatguru.com shows all the seat charts for all the airlines including JetBlue.
  7. Can't believe Wegmans wouldn't have them.
  8. May be an interesting family reunion.
  9. If we knew that a year ago, would we have re-signed him?
  10. NO, it's supposed to be OK now!
  11. You go upstairs and go out the window! Sucks if you live in a basement apartment.
  12. Was that before of after Nutri Systems?
  13. It's a beautiful city in August & September. The other 10 months it's drizzle and fog, followed by fog and drizzle. Hopefully the weather will clear enough to be able to see the mountains. Mt Baker is N, Mt Ranier S, and the Olympic chain to the W, Cascades on the E. Since it's still winter, don't go too far outside the city. The elevation changes are severe and you can get caught in some pretty nasty snow and ice as the elevations increase. We lived there from '86 to '03 so nothing current to offer on restaurants. I do know they have McCormicks at 4th & Columbia downtown for excellent seafood. and also Anthony's Home Port, a local chain, also great seafood. If you like the Alaska dishes such as King Crab & Salmon, they will be good because they will be fresh! Take a Ferry ride. One of the "short" routes say to Bainbridge Island. You can be a "walk-on" and it's a pleasant couple of hours looking at the scenery from Puget Sound. if you're at Pike Place, look to the West, down the hill, and you'll see the Ferry Terminal. Boeing has tours but they're up at Everett, about 40 miles N. They should have a lot of 787's parked out front! If you want to buy one they're $200 Mil. without batteries! They also have a nice Museum just S of downtown, on E Marginal Way. Not a bad cab ride, but not a safe walk from downtown. The monorail runs from downtown to the "Seattle/city center": where the Space needle and the R&R museum are located. The Space needle also has a restaurant that revolves. It used to be OK, a little expensive, but the tourists love it! Enjoy the "Left Coast!"
  14. Well, why don't we take the $130 Mil Stadium Renovation money and rebuild the "storied" Rockpile? As I recall, we went to Red because everyone else in the AFC East had White, and that was why Fergy was throwing INT's. At least that was the story at the time! Really, I like both.
  15. It's a poor attempt at rationalization! Remember we hired him because "he interviewed well." A consumate BS'er any way you look at it!
  16. Well, we seem to be stuck with Darcy. He's like a Hockey version of Dick & Chan!
  17. My Parents had a gas refrigerator. It ran on natural gas, and had no moving parts, was totally quiet, and we never worried about power outages. Bought it from Iriquois Gas. They were so good/reliable that I think Servel went out of business because they had no repeat customers They changed the gasket on the door a few times but what finally did it in was the plastic wheel that pivoted on the gas valve, that was used to set temps & defrost mode. The wheel was plastic, and over 40 years the hub of the wheel broke. From then on, the only way to adjust was on your hands & knees with a vice grips and flashlight, and that was a guessing game. The refrigerator worked fine but it was replaced because the cheap plastic wheel failed. More recently, we had a Maytag dishwasher that got replaced because a 10 cent nylon wheel on the upper rack broke. Went to Lowe's, where we bought it, and got handed a business card with a 1-800 number. We replaced the upper rack but it was not exactly as original, and it never worked properly, so it's also gone before it's time but was replaced at a "local" appliance store that can assist with future premature parts failures. Lowes can sit on their 1-800 number and spin! You're right about the toys. I still have my Doepke pressed metal Fire trucks, Lionel Trains and Schwinn Bike. Somehow I never; cut myself, electrocuted myself, or fell off the bike which I rode everyday without knowiong what a helmet was.
  18. When asked about it he said...AAron who???????
  19. Couldn't afford either one of them!
  20. Working-3PM-11PM. Maybe I'll retire before the next one!
  21. "Grades" for events that have yet to happen are meaningless. IF they were valid, we could save a bunch of money on schools...just hand out the grades and wilsh everyone well! The author made some valid points, but since it's still speculation, its only value is entertainment. While I hope he's wrong and we're right, we'll have to wait top see how it plays out.
  22. Stay in school kids, become a Cardiologist!
  23. I wonder if he had any expectations of the HC job in Philadelphia, and did he leave there the same way he left Buffalo?
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