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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. The Rockpile ON a Rockpile!
  2. Looks like the Jason Collins story with different pictures!
  3. The majority of the Senior Citizens have already fled the NE due to taxes!
  4. But you still can't find amo to buy!
  5. None of the Stadiums, but especuially the Rockpile, had much of a "sound system" in the 60's. The speakers were often out of sync, so you would get an annoying echo effect from the announcers. A Band was commonplace in the 60's, at least in the AFL. They didn't march or move like the Colts or Redskins. They had a small platform in the corner, and that was it. We had a band and I remember bands at; Kansas City, the Jets, Denver and possibly Oakland.
  6. You mean as in LAST POST WINS?
  7. All that set at the ROCKPILE! GOOD TIMES!
  8. I think that's the problem, too often we get back to .500 or just barely make the #8 seed and get blown out in the first round. Darcy has some responsibility for that. Despite that, who's the Coach going forward?
  9. $1500???? You get a Hard Hat but NO DINNERS???? I'd substitute Love Canal for any of the former Plant Sites such as Bethlehem or Republic Steel, Being from Buffalo, Id prefer staying on familiar turf! Love Canal is not in Buffalo. Where's; Forest Lawn, The Rockpile, The Aud, the site of the new Domed Stadium, Broadway Market etc?
  10. The way it's going he could go undrafted, and IF that happens, would we sign him? I think yes!
  11. Maybe too many people out of work, with time to watch?
  12. Well at least he's no Congressman Weiner!
  13. If they ever open a PISS EM OFF Hall of Fame anyone from Buffalo, and/or anyone who ever rooted for a Buffalo Team would have very good seats!
  14. Do they all use the same Realtor? Looks kind of unremarkable, and maybe overpriced?
  15. You might look at it, but there's no way to get it anywhere near/past you nose!
  16. The Enemey Below. For all you Das Boot guys, if you ever get to Chcago, visit the Museum of Science & Industry on the lakeshore. The have a captured U-Boat that you can actually board. it's worth seeing.
  17. You're obviously assuming ZONING? In Texas?? I would guess that the plant was there well before anyone else decided to live there. Kind of like people complaining about Airport noise when the Airport has been there since 1930!
  18. Eat asparagus and asparagus pee smells like asparagus-go figure!
  19. I know it works for me! Just sent the a'holes a check on 4/15 and am sure that I got totally screwed!
  20. If you're with a group you're OK. If you're by yourself, or even one other person, you're asking for trouble! That's sad but I'm speaking from experience in Seattle, San Diego, and Houston.
  21. I have GPS's that do that!
  22. Socialized Europe is even worse. There are the what i call the "Stationary" beggars, who have their same spot every day, the Gypsies, the Pick Pockets, the Mimes etc.etc. They even have their kids doing it! The Pick Pockets are worse around the photo-op tourist attractions. You can't let your guard down for a minute. It takes away some from the travel opportunity/experience. In Ireland, many of the Church Parking Lots have horizontal bars installed anout 7' above the entry drives, to keep the Gypsies "camper" type trucks out. If they could enter, they wouldn't leave!
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