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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. With a Honey Container on the table?? UMMMM Pizza w/honey!
  2. Honesty is never necessary when the obvious is present.
  3. Hurry back, gas prices are going up again.
  4. Yes but we're tired of being number one.
  5. He's not one to step on other peoples TOES!
  6. Actually, this is a worldwide problem involving automation and the auto-flight concept. Take one of these new first officers that got his ratings in the US or Australia and came to KAL or Asiana with 225 flight hours. After takeoff, in accordance with their SOP, he calls for the autopilot to be engaged at 250’ after takeoff. How much actual flight time is that? Hardly one minute. Then he might fly for hours on the autopilot and finally disengage it (MAYBE?) below 800’ after the gear was down, flaps extended and on airspeed (auto throttle). Then he might bring it in to land. Again, how much real “flight time” or real experience did he get? Minutes! Of course, on the 777 or 747, it’s the same only they get more inflated logbooks.
  7. A muted Brown would better reflect their recent play.
  8. Why not? They've already killed him over and over again during his life.
  9. I didn't know the name was stripped, I just thought that Smokes Creek flooded again and washed it off.
  10. It used to be, when there was an air crash, the NTSB assumed the investigation and that was that till they were done. Now they can't wait to get in front of the microphones. At least they don't use a teleprompter! The Pilot flying only had 40+ hours in type, that's unbelievable!. Guess the other 3 pilots were not watching the airspeed indicator.
  11. Used to work with a guy who called his wife PAM. That wasn't her name, but it was an acronym for P*ss and Moan! That reminds me of Jaworski can't remember him ever saying anything positive about the BILLS.
  12. Looks as though he hit the tail on the sea wall. The big question will be why was he that low & slow while still outside the landing zone? This is the 2nd 777 to land short/hard landing etc. within the airport environment. The British 777 was blamed on ice in the fuel system. It had flown across Asia & E Europe in the winter season. They had Rolls Royce engines while this one today had Pratt & Whitney's, so not a great deal of similarity there. Don't know where the data recorders are? They will be located but not sure of where they ended up when the tail came off? He lost the landing gear early on, so no tire marks, just belly and wing gouging & scraping. Rwy 28L may be closed for a while!
  13. Sex, or no sex, we likely are old because the BILLS have not be playing well enough to attract very many youngsters.
  14. I expect the Raiders to beat them.
  15. As a former boss once told me; "I wish I could tell you it was going to get better!" Sad thing is, HE WAS RIGHT!
  16. In too many ways, I don't feel as FREE or INDEPENDENT this 4th!
  17. They're high five'n in Albany because NYS already got their cut from the 3 Mil.
  18. Poutine & Molson's for everyone!
  19. Ate at a McDonald's in Wyoming once. In the Men's Room someone wrote; "Welcome to Wyoming, home of Cowboys, Tumbleweeds and Other Windy Annoyances!"....They were right.
  20. Did he start out with Training Wheels?
  21. Yeah, you're right! I usually tell people that I'm in the Witness Protection Program, for witnessing a Mob Hit, and can't talk about anything that happened 1968-2003!
  22. Jungle fever? "Hey, where the white women at?'-Blazing Saddles
  23. 35 years with United Airlines. I turned 55 and 3 weeks later they filed CH 11. Retired in 2003, they dumped our pensions into PBGC in 2004 , I had no idea what PBGC was, or that United could do such a thing when I decided to retire. Same thing happened to many WNY'er's in the Steel & Auto industries. So they go thru "Bankruptcy," emerge as the "new" United Airlines and suddenly have Billions to spend on new 787's & A-350's. WTF!!! I was blessed, found another job (56 years old) and have been there 9.5 so far. Hopefully I'll try to really retire in the next year or two with a small State Pension-unless they go broke too!.
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