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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I couldn't face the day after breakfast in a pink kitchen.
  2. Naw, she cud always outrun him!
  3. If they direct the power to the East, it could make for some interesting "prayer" calls.
  4. I don't live on the left coast any more but I have to wonder about the seafood safety post Fukushima. The radioactivity is measured, and reaches across the Pacific. So will we see 2 headed whatever's? Will the Pacific turn out to be a big Lake Erie?
  5. Wouldn't this be better in the past tense on 9/9/13? Stevie...you know what bounties are???
  6. Try not to go the meeting a) drunk, b) hung-over.
  7. It's in our jeans!
  8. Similar to last week...Before the game was played, I planned to watch the replay, now...I don't think so!
  9. The subject sounds like an old Carson CARNAK premise! Too Bad Johnnie & Ed are not here to answer.
  10. Pay them "average" salaries, and IF they are "above average" consider a raise!
  11. That's like Pizza Hut making Pizza.
  12. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No!
  13. Hope Marsha at least had a nice Hotel Room!
  14. We decided to leave Seattle 10 years ago due to the R-A-I-N. Nothing like what you have but 10 months of drizzle & fog followed by fog & drizzle got to be too much! August & September were beautiful but that was it! We were there '86-'03 and it was no big deal at first but it does get to you after a while.
  15. Must be the Performance Enhancing Sushi!
  16. I know, IF he had a son he'd look just like Don Shula!
  17. Let's see..He does not know about: Bengazi, the IRS, Fast & Furious, Border Security, NSA, etc., etc. What are the chances he knows anything about this???
  18. That's too bad! Would have liked to see the story/movie about the Queen's rooster! That's entertainment!
  19. I had my first "scope" in '84. I was down for 5-6 weeks. I am not a pro athlete, but 2-3 seems overly optimistic. Anytime they have to get inside your knee, it's serious business. He's going to end up with 3 holes in his knee! It was a slippery slope for me, till 2002 when I had to get a total knee replacement. Certainly not the most fun he'll ever have!
  20. Let's get 9-10 solid defensive WINS by December '13 and then we'll talk about names. For what it's worth, our Superbowl teams never did well in the preseason.
  21. I can't say that I was there BUT if I was I would have been carrying my Rockpile '65 Champs Seat Cushion, my over the shoulder cooler, and a small radio. I'm guessing my ticket would have been in the $25-35 range, and that would be for a good seat! No doubt, I would be turned away today.
  22. It's great to finally see the BILLS end games with all of their TIME OUTS! Great game management, like we have not seen for the past several years!
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