I don't live on the left coast any more but I have to wonder about the seafood safety post Fukushima. The radioactivity is measured, and reaches across the Pacific. So will we see 2 headed whatever's? Will the Pacific turn out to be a big Lake Erie?
We decided to leave Seattle 10 years ago due to the R-A-I-N. Nothing like what you have but 10 months of drizzle & fog followed by fog & drizzle got to be too much! August & September were beautiful but that was it! We were there '86-'03 and it was no big deal at first but it does get to you after a while.
Let's see..He does not know about: Bengazi, the IRS, Fast & Furious, Border Security, NSA, etc., etc. What are the chances he knows anything about this???
I had my first "scope" in '84. I was down for 5-6 weeks. I am not a pro athlete, but 2-3 seems overly optimistic. Anytime they have to get inside your knee, it's serious business. He's going to end up with 3 holes in his knee! It was a slippery slope for me, till 2002 when I had to get a total knee replacement. Certainly not the most fun he'll ever have!
Let's get 9-10 solid defensive WINS by December '13 and then we'll talk about names. For what it's worth, our Superbowl teams never did well in the preseason.
I can't say that I was there BUT if I was I would have been carrying my Rockpile '65 Champs Seat Cushion, my over the shoulder cooler, and a small radio. I'm guessing my ticket would have been in the $25-35 range, and that would be for a good seat! No doubt, I would be turned away today.