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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Considering the value of the US$, it may not be that much, by game time.
  2. Yet another reason for everybody to move to Florida,
  3. Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, History of the World, Mad Mad World, Where Eagles Dare, Dirty Dozen, Kelly's Heroes, Hunt for Red October, Enemy Below..
  4. Unlike the prodigal in-laws, they don't ask for money.
  5. The white lines, on the pavement, off the L wing, are there for a reason.
  6. No pre-nups here???
  7. is she being charged with "crossing the line(s)?"
  8. Anybody asked you for $$ yet?
  9. It seems to make a difference how you file. Been using Turbo Tax for over 10 years, and never had to wait more than a couple of weeks, including this past season.
  10. After seeing him in Kelly's heroes, I never thought he fit many of his later roles. RIP!
  11. Have to decide how many cardboard fans will be allowed.
  12. Looks like a bad case of hemorrhoids on the logo.
  13. Mullets in N Korea?? Who knew?
  14. Didn't catch Covid, why catch that?
  15. Don't forget Pete Rozelle.
  16. Three roses.... A sexually active middle aged woman informed her plastic surgeon that she wanted her vaginal lips reduced in size because, over the years they have become loose and floppy. Out of embarrassment, she insisted that the surgery be kept secret and, of course, the surgeon agreed. Awakening from the anesthesia, she found 3 roses carefully placed beside her on the bed. Outraged, she immediately called in the surgeon. "I thought I specifically asked you not to tell anyone about my operation"! The surgeon told her he had carried out her wish for confidentiality and that the first rose was from him. "I felt so sad for you, because you went through this all by yourself." "The second rose is from my nurse. She assisted me in the surgery and understood perfectly, as she had the same procedure done some time ago." "And what about the third rose?" she asked. "That's from a man in the burn unit - he wanted to thank you for his new ears."
  17. Gas prices are rising, the fog is getting thicker. Johnny: And Leon’s getting laarrrger!
  18. Thanks for your service! Enjoy Buffalo!
  19. Worked with his Dad, in Seattle. He was quite a character too!
  20. Saw this and thought of Billy Joe, the former BILLS RB. Got him from Denver in exchange for Cookie Gilchrist.
  21. Listening to Paul Desmond, just the other day. They were great!
  22. At least he's in Philadelphia, where they seem to boo everybody.
  23. https://www.thenewsstar.com/story/sports/college/louisiana-tech/2021/05/01/philadelphia-eagles-milton-williams-howie-roseman-scout-nfl-draft-2021/7403052002/
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