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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. You mean like Canada?
  2. Where in the hell do they get parts for Viet Nam era F-4's?
  3. I'm more "upset" about Andy Reid in that all red outfit. He looked like a giant pepper!
  4. On the other hand would the Playuoff's be too much for him?
  5. That's great BUT if we continue to keep cutting our Military, that won't be possible for too much longer. I wonder if the F22 was burning "green" jet fuel?
  6. Add to that the 12/64 & 12/65 AFL Championship games! Good times and great memories!
  7. "Talk is cheap," "Actions speak louder than words," "Act your age not your shoe size!" "Anything that you say may be used against you!" People and teams need to remember that all the "trash talk" is eventually put up in the opposing team's locker room, and is used to motivate the opposition against the big mouth's. It is what it is...TRASH!
  8. That's hardly newsworthy for SFO.
  9. The problem is the "reduced pension liability" is no longer UA's liability, but shifts to the US Taxpayers. We've seen this happen with: Bethlehem & Republic Steel, Delco, parts of GM etc. etc. and more recently cities and municipalities. The Taxpayers should be able to say OK, if you really can't pay, we'll help out BUT, if you (UA) subsequently recover, pay the Taxpayers (PBGC) back, AND pass that new found success on to the retirees!
  10. I would vote for the long suffering 12th Man. They stayed till the end of the game, and we're so elated with the result that they couldn't bear to leave the Stadium! l
  11. Of course you're right BUT after losing a big peice of a "promised" pension, I have to wonderwhy/when they started doing "the right thing!"
  12. Thye only way it's costing us is IF he's broke. IF he's broke he's the first mod guy who ever ended up that way. The Feds need to start digging.
  13. They'll honor the tickets and promote the dumba*s with the fat fingers who caused the problem.
  14. I worked for UA from 68-'03. If they treat the "lucky people" as well as they treated the retirees, they're in for a rough ride. In 2002 UA claimed they were "Bankrupt" and couldn't possibly pay pension benefits. Somehow they left bankruptcy and are now buying 787's, A-350's, and now apparently giving sh*t away? What a great country!
  15. How does he squeeze through the Golden Arches?
  16. Have not been there since the 60's. At that time Buffalo was still an industrial city and you would be lucky to see OP. Loved the winter activities at Chestnut Ridge.
  17. Putting the clap on the clapper?
  18. Likely the Honeymooners are not having any trouble finding somethig to do!
  19. Too much porn can wear them out faster.
  20. We can add to that, the 4 Americans who lost their lives in Bengazi Libya, one year ago today.
  21. Should have told him; "When I came back, Mary Jo and the car were gone!" Hey, It worked before in Mass!
  22. Ocho Cinco Part Deux! Remember Stevie, Actions speak louder than words.
  23. How could that be? We now have "enhanced" pre-game security.
  24. Every time i turn on a Financial Channel they keep saying that "there's no inflation!" Apparently these people never buy gas or groceries. Times change and so do prices. Dollar Rent a Car started out as Dollar A Day. They used to rent VW's for $1 a day. Motel 6 used to actually be $6 a night. McDonalds started out charging .15 for a hambuirger and .19 for a cheeseburger! Used to be able to get end zone seats at the Rockpile for $6-8 and for $6 you actually had a chance to see the Bills Win!
  25. Buffalo??? Plans?????
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