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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Sorry to hear that! He was great when he was in BUF. Always wished he would have stayed. RIP.
  2. Dic is offended??? F*** Doc! If he has a problem, start winning a few with the Clippers and begin his own collection.
  3. Better neighbors than I have!
  4. Thanks for the memories!
  5. With all due respect to the illness and the cause for a cure, I've been hearing/seeing; marches, fund raisers, charity this & that etc. etc., for my whole life, and somehow we don't seem to be any closer to a cure for any of the cancers than we ever were.
  6. The Polar Ice Cap has doubled year over year, so there should be plenty of cold air dropping down from Canada. Maybe setting up for a repeat of '77??
  7. We're not only re-hashing it, we're re-hashing it with THE STREET.COM, written by guy that lives in the sports mecca of the USA, Portland ORE...???? He should be more worried about Mt. Hood erupting than the future of the Bills & Sabres!
  8. Or in our case, even a broken clock is right twice a day!
  9. I'll have seconds on the Poutine, please.
  10. Just flew Chicago to Frankfurt last week, in Business. Didn't see any, but I slept most of the way.
  11. Too bad many here will ask; who he played for?
  12. No worries till it gets up to the Big Bucks Box area. Chances are the Gov, would smell something with that big nose of his! Maybe the players will think twice about jumping into the end zone seats in the future?
  13. Anybody know what the Farmers Almanac said prior to the Blizzard of '77?
  14. I remember Bill Gates in the 80's when he used to hang around the British Airways gate at Seattle trying to get a free upgrade. I think if he was a smoker, he never would have bouight his own.
  15. I don't get thru LHR very much but it's always changing, and if you're making a connection, can be stressful. That's a great story. The fact that they can steer him around the changes is amazing. I try to avoid it because of their excessive departure tax. Last check they were up in the $160 range, just to leave on a trans-atlantic flight. God Save the Queen!
  16. It would be great to fast-forward 5, or even 10 years, to see what she'll look like...that's IF she lives that long!
  17. North Dakota is booming! Jobs for anyone with a pulse. You'd think there would be enough demand outside the school? The pay would be better and no worries over underage punks.
  18. Great way to "blow" your Student Loan money!
  19. If his pants don't fit....you-know the rest!
  20. Fell out of the ugly tree and got hit with ALL the branches on the way down!
  21. I live in a Nascar city and frequently see his Racing Team airplanes. They're large SAAB Turboprops, maybe seat 50 each, and I think there are at least 3 of them. Like it or not, he's definately deep into Nascar and I don't think he would ever come back to the NFL.
  22. The author is an a*hole, we all agree on that! BUT, we do need Canada. They're the most Loyal Friends we could have. Get over the Galleria comments! They're going because of the perceived "deals" just like everyone else. If the USA ever pulls its head out of its ass, we'll hook up with Keystone and maybe put some of our own people back to work. If anyone remembers the '79 iran Hostage situation it was Canada who risked a lot to protect many of our people caught in that mess. Canada has fought along side us in every conflict including the Afghanastan mess. We couldn't ask for better friends than Canada, and Australia. We have strong language and cultural ties that could never be reproduced and are in fact priceless in this day and age.
  23. Most of us were in the bathroom, or waiting to get there, and missed it all. So many of us did give a sh*t!
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