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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. We need to take a narrative of the last 20 seasons to Nashville. I's sad and sorry enough to make a great Country music series.
  2. Italy is seismically active, so anything goes. It's the kind of place that's fun to visit but maybe not to live. I've been there 3x, different locations each time, and it's very nice. Its usually a good practice to not test the justice system, no matter where you may be.
  3. He played while the BILLS were trying to make OJ a WR. Very strong arm but not always very accurate.
  4. As long as Andre Reed makes it this year, It's all good. Having said that...a DENVER win would make the day better.
  5. Absolutely nothing. Doctor's orders. Recovering from Rotator Cuff surgery on 1/17.
  6. The person could quickly run for Political office. They seem to have a lot of "immunity."
  7. Maybe some BAIL BOND company would have been a better fit.
  8. Went out in Richmond VA today, about 3PM, it was 64. Now at 9PM it's 31 and we're supposed to wake up to 19 in the AM. Good chance of 2-3 inches snow tomorrow but up to a foot E of us towards Norfolk & VA Beach This will be an opposite snow pattern for us. It's usually worse W of here, toward the Blue Ridge. Mountains. Jimmy Griffin was right!! Get a 6 pack and enjoy the show!
  9. That approval was from LAST MAY! I don't think it involves the 1/12/14 meeting.
  10. IF the NFL had Divisional Pro Bowl's they could milk the season into March or April and solve the cold weather Super Bowl issues.
  11. Hope they get someone who specializes in Happy Endings!
  12. The obvious question(s): How would it do in WNY Winter driving conditions? .
  13. The Captain is rumored to be the next HC at Cleveland, and she does not like Cleveland!
  14. The guy makes $29.5 Mil a year, so he's likely not relying on a Sunday Game for his entertainment.
  15. Is there a Medal for that?
  16. I guess there was too much snow to even get to Niagara U & St. Bona.
  17. If I had to live in Miami, I'd have at least 6 more of those.
  18. Looking at the picture, is the guy a Cowboys fan?
  19. Europe can keep paying $8 a gallon for gas while the Empty Void is saving our as*!
  20. 8 is clearly enough! He's got to make it this year.
  21. I remember driving E, out Rt 20A, and seeing all those old 2-3 story farm houses, with snow drifted up to the roofs. The drifts on each side of the road were easily 12-15' high.
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