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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I know Kai Tak (Hong Kong) closed over 10 years ago. The strips in Africa & Nepal looked very unsafe. Depending on their field elevations, you would likely need more runway than seems to show in the pics.
  2. Living in the Richmond area, that's great news BUT, they're very slow in building/completion dates. Actually, the Charlottesville store has been discussed for a very long time, and I don't think they've done anything there, so far. A Richmond store will save me a 75 mile drive up to Fredericksburg, every 4-5weeks.
  3. I did a lot of traveling across the Pacific in the 70's & 80's. Swore off it, waiting for supersonic airplanes. 12-14 hours is about 6-7 more that I can handle. I thought that was a reasonable assumption in the 70's. Now 40+ years later they want you to fly on a freakin 737. 737's were new in 1967. What happened to new ideas and innovation? I won't fly on the plastic 787, for a whole list of reasons.
  4. There used to be few more, but they got "downsized."
  5. No such thing as a "free" flight but they will offer to upgrade him to the nose gear for the next trip.
  6. Maybe we should have TSA hold hands around the airport perimeter fence?
  7. Sure hope they're self adhesive!
  8. I always thought it came from "Hemlock Lake?" My memories of Genesee Beer make your story more plausible.
  9. Go to Niagara On the Lake. It's at the N end of the river, where it empties into Lake Ontario. Cross into Canada and just follow the river down the Niagara Gorge, heading N. They have many good restaurants and some nice wineries. It's a very pretty drive! If the Jet Boat is running, that's a great ride. it leaves from Niagara On the Lake. I trust it's still there because all the people who live along the river were complaining about the noise, but if it's there, it's worth doing. Considering river ice, it may be too early for the boat. Of course remember your passports.
  10. Seeing is believing, so, so far, I'm not a believer. The glass knees are troubling.
  11. I drive 75 miles each way to get to their store in Fredericksburg VA., every 4-5 weeks. Most of their "store" brands are excellent. Meats are good, pricy but good. I'm waiting for them to open in Charlottesville VA. Not much closer for me but that I-95 drive is butt ugly while I-64 is much more scenic, and usually less traffic.
  12. Sad to say but by the time you are wealthy enough to be a "front runner," you're older than Ralph, and that hardly solves our long term problems.;
  13. Are you arriving in Dublin or Shannon? Shannon used to be big, but now most flights go into Dublin. Shannon puts you right into what you may expect Ireland to look like. Galway and Kerry are to the S. Dublin is a big gritty city. Reminds me of S Buffalo in the 50's. A lot ls will depend on what direction are you interested in heading? We prefer the West & South, but it's all pretty nice. Take a good raincoat and some shoes that will keep your feet dry in the rain. I've never seen it rain really hard there, but the drizzle will wear you down if you can't stay dry.
  14. Reminds me of the 70's & 80's in the real Buffalo!
  15. It's the Seattle version of Genesee. Obviously a low-life Bear!
  16. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
  17. Oh, that's just what we need...get the nit wits in Congress involved in this.
  18. A true American Hero. RIP! As a Viet Nam vet, and with the benefit of 45 years of hindsight, all I can say is WHY??
  19. Kids may be out of luck if born in a "dry" county!
  20. The NLRB are noting but Political hacks. Maybe they need to go back to school...unpaid of course! Obviously the Academic component of student athletes is being overlooked. From a Union standpoint, ALL unions not only advocate pay & benefits, but also job security AND Longevity. IF there would be a union; how long would it take to negotiate a contract, would the schools be representing their players or themselves, would we see 6-7-8 year players, what would the dues schedule look like, could a union member be traded (transfer) to a non-union school, would that player then be called a scab, is graduation the equivalent of retirement, could a player ever come out of retirement????? An Alumni union may make more sense were it not for the fact that, in many cases, they're the ones who started the entire pay for play problem.
  21. Are they being paid to play or get an education? The NCAA has let this get way out of control by allowing schools to field "teams" that otherwise have no business attending their respective schools. Zero academic standards, zero expectations, just win one for the alumni! If they want to work "for pay" get a job and forget the education sham.
  22. Must suck to live in Toad Suck.
  23. Maybe it didn't have a happy ending?
  24. Exactly! Show me the money!
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