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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. If they built a new stadium and allowed tailgating, it would be a better option than Toronto.
  2. Is their natural habitat the E side of Buffalo?
  3. Does the leak side face the house?
  4. I never listen to Howie so thanks for the heads-up!
  5. Buffalo made many tries for big league sports but usually lost out because of stadium issues (lack of). We were in the running for much of MLB's expansion in the 60's-70's. We're lucky to have made it into the NHL. The AUD rink was not large enough, and they had to raise the AUD roof to be able to add enough seats to satisfy the NHL, and possibly the NBA. Without Mr. Knox's push, there would likely have been no SABRES. Even though the BILLS started in the AFL, I don't think any of us thought of them as "minor league." In a lot of ways, the AFL was superior to the NFL much as the ABA was to the NBA. If that wasn't true, there never would have been any league mergers!
  6. I think the BILLS Jacket is almost as old as Van.
  7. Consider the Southern Border. No questions asked!
  8. A lot of people moved from Buffalo to Raleigh, for jobs starting in the 70's. Lucky for them that Raleigh survived. OR would there have been more job openings??
  9. Is the Rigas family out of jail yet? They could help with this.
  10. All of these stories are certainly more exciting/entertaining than our last 20 seasons.
  11. Niagara Falls has its faults BUT, IF Bon Jovi were the successful bidder, he needs a place to play. Toronto is way short of NFL seating standards. He needs a new Stadium, and we all know the BILLS don't draw well in Toronto. He should know that Canadian support is not enough by itself. He also should know that our Fan Base will not follow the team to Toronto. So IF he's successful, a NF site makes sense in keeping us, and adding enough additional Canadian Fans to make the whole outrageous purchase price work. The future of the BILLS demands a "regional" fan base. NF is close enough to: Buffalo, Hamilton, Toronto, and Rochester to provide the fan support that will be needed in the future.
  12. IF you land OK, the nose steering is only on the left side. The landing gear handle is on the right. Maybe her arms were too short to do everything?
  13. Maybe he flew too near to the Robertson place? If it looks like a duck, shoot it down!
  14. Bailiff, whack his pee-pee.
  15. He needs to; act his age, not his shoe size!
  16. I remember her as Shultzie from the Bob Cummings Show. RIP.
  17. IF anyone moves to LA, it will be: 1) Raiders, 2) Chargers. I think the NFL is living in the past on this one. The demographics are not there for an NFL franchise. Their TV audience would rather watch soccer or a bull fight than an NFL game. AND as others have mentioned, there's no funding for a Stadium.
  18. Easy come, easy go! He didn't set the world on fire at Microsoft, I don't expect to see any more success in the NBA. Is he in it to make a profit, or gernerate an ongoing big tax loss?
  19. Would this have worked for Ralph?
  20. She'd be better off to bag oe of the majors for Economics. Obviously she has a lot of talent managing money.
  21. I could go for a ROYALE right now!
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