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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Did you get invited??
  2. Government programs in general are a waste of our $$. Too many hands on the money, and it never reaches its destination.
  3. Paris, Budapest, Florence, Milan, Cologne, Lucerne. My problem has been getting a score(s), during the season, if out of the country.
  4. Grew up in Buffalo in the 50's-60's. All the industry was still there, and if you had 15 miles visibility, it was a good day. Never thought much about it till I moved to Seattle in '78, and 50-60 miles was normal, except when it was raining!
  5. He was a great man! Always an advocate for fairness and respect among races and religions. RIP Jackie!
  6. Pulling for the Flaming Cuyahoga's!
  7. Similar to the Richter scale?
  8. Used to put the empties under the dining room table, to keep the dog from sleeping there. He was a 70 lb Golden Retriever, and seemed to be afraid of them.
  9. Hope they have orthopedic docs. in the family.
  10. And she's still looking for the killer??
  11. Happy Canada day! Sure do miss going there! I have my shots.
  12. Having lived in Houston for 4 yrs., it's kinda everyday normal.
  13. You want fair, go to Hamburg.
  14. Salt air, over time, can seriously weaken structural steel. That along with the foundation issues may have brought it down. The building inspection time periods seem to be totally inadequate given the climate and sub-soil situation.
  15. Where do I sign? He looks like Dr Evil.
  16. I understand the importance of outdoor living space, but how much pool time would you get in Clarence on an annual basis? ..
  17. That $2516 property figure in the listing seemed way off!
  18. She says she "needs office time every day," followed by more cow bell!
  19. Flying 2 year round.
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