Of course he's right BUT attracting new businesses is easier said than done.
NY state has been in decline for many years. NY used to have 45 Representatives in the US House, now it's down to the high 20's, all due to state population loss. NY City hasn't missed a beat, but the rest of the state has been wiped out. I live in Virginia, and see the NY STATE IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS ads on TV. What a hoot! ALL the taxes are way too high. Sales tax, Property tax, gasoline tax, you name it, NY is way out of line.
Sad thing is, it's not just Buffalo, it's our entire fan base area. It's Syracuse and Rochester too. The front page of the NEWS today says Cuomo is 32 points ahead in the polls. So NY is ready to continue the same old corruption, and nothing will change.
I hope Mr Pegula is successful with his bid, and hope the BILLS succeed too, but they're in a difficult environment.