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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I don't care about his throwing style, we have to start getting 6's in the Red Zone, and he's certainly worth a try. If he came in now, at least we have some remaining pre-season games to bring him up to speed.
  2. Obviously we need to secure our Lunar border.
  3. The whole place is "sketchy."
  4. Considering our Southern Border situation, that parcel will be very costly to "defend."
  5. Of course he's right BUT attracting new businesses is easier said than done. NY state has been in decline for many years. NY used to have 45 Representatives in the US House, now it's down to the high 20's, all due to state population loss. NY City hasn't missed a beat, but the rest of the state has been wiped out. I live in Virginia, and see the NY STATE IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS ads on TV. What a hoot! ALL the taxes are way too high. Sales tax, Property tax, gasoline tax, you name it, NY is way out of line. Sad thing is, it's not just Buffalo, it's our entire fan base area. It's Syracuse and Rochester too. The front page of the NEWS today says Cuomo is 32 points ahead in the polls. So NY is ready to continue the same old corruption, and nothing will change. I hope Mr Pegula is successful with his bid, and hope the BILLS succeed too, but they're in a difficult environment.
  6. Are you sure about this? We're; in a recovery, unemployment is low, there is no inflation, property values have recovered, we're all on easy street, etc. etc. By all news accounts, you must be mistaken!.
  7. Where was Elizabeth Warren? She's from there, and "claims" to be part Indian.
  8. It's not over till it's over BUT it does sound as though he's a few Loonies short.
  9. Yeah, that pretty much is it!
  10. They have a loyal Fan base. The Black uniforms are in demand. You don't have to be good looking, or in great shape to wear the stuff, the black color hides a lot of imperfections. They don't rely on American or Russian vehicles, all Toyota & Nissan for them. They just signed a big TV contract with Al Jazzera.
  11. I don't think I would take it out on Lake Ontario! They already stripped it, it has no engines, what are you going to do, hang off the back and kick your feet?
  12. If you started off by running Criminal Histories first, you could maybe get away with :15.
  13. I've seen that! It's moored in the James River at Ft Eustis VA. Just E of that is a concert venue where the Army performs Band Concerts during the summer. You can walk over to the river, and there it is. As I recall there were 2 or 3 of them last time we were there. $25 is too much!
  14. Because they can't shake hands.
  15. 0 for the 70's against Miami was bad!
  16. If we look at the BILLS strictly as a business, it's difficult to justify; buying the franchise, breaking the lease, paying the penalties, moving the team, purchasing a new stadium site, and building a new stadium AND after all that, being profitable? It makes as much sense as Trump building a Casino in Atlantic City.
  17. Another fog horn at Dover could be very useful.
  18. I live just S of there, and "rare animals" are pretty normal down here!
  19. I'll be there this November!
  20. I always viewed Jaws as a paid mouthpiece. He will essentially say anything that someone has paid him to say. In the 40's & 50"s he would have been seen sitting on someone's knee, while they pulled the string!
  21. Never watched Rockforsd, but Maverick was the best!
  22. With all the people walking into Texas, you should have hired someone!
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