So we all agree that things are not great with the BILLS. But before they put in another unproven system, lets wait and see how this same essential system is working for the Sabres. So far, aside from getting rid of Darcy, no results.
Andi f this does happen, put me down for anyone but Pork Faced Holmgren!
I've been a BILLS fan since they started, and I appreciate the insight.
I don't recall having much of a defense on those previous teams, so hopefully the D works in our favor. As I recall, Dennis Shaw was the QB who broke a lot of Unitas' records in college I also think our present coaching is superior to what we had in 70 & GO BILLS!
I work weekends by choice. I miss the NFL, but I'm a BILLS fan, so......
I also work 1500-2300, also by choice. By the time I get to work all the; meetings, parades, dog & pony shows etc are over, so it's all good for me.
Of course you're right.
I used to see a nuclear plant near Syracuse, on Lake Ontario. Have not flown over/been there in years but hopefully it's still running. Since Gov. Cuomo is against fracking, I can guess that he's totally against nuclear, even though NYC gets a lot from Indian Head, on the Hudson River.
I'm sorry to cast a cloud over the solar panel but 2500 people lost their jobs and their pensions when Republic Steel folded. When you work for a company that goes bankrupt, guess who pays the pensions? The US taxpayers ala PBGC. And the benefits are a fraction of what the employees actually earned. So if this is waht it takes to "turn the WNY economy around," it's way too little and much too late.
Next time you're enjoying a BILLS game, look around and guess the amount of electricty it takes to run the Ralph. Solar and wind energy combined would be totally inadequate.
We were living in Seattle for a 6.8. It was 3/1/01, in the AM, so we were both home. Wife said what the f**k is that? I told her it's either an earthquake or the Great Northern is running a Hudson locomotive down the driveway and into the garage!
Fortunately, no damage to the house. Some damage downtown, but considering 6.8, not as bad as I was expecting.
I did the same thing in Seattle. Direct TV even gave us the Vancouver stations so also a lot of NHL for no extra cost.
Now I'm in Virginia, Empire is gone and NO Canadian TV stations from good'ol Direct TV.
We were living in Seattle, so it was very early in the AM. Got a call from work (United Airlines). Lost friends and co-workers on 2 of those planes. I know for a fact that had we not grounded all flights, more attacks were in the works for the W Coast, on the same day!