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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Terry's plan is to hire is to hire the best fracking coach he can find.
  2. At least he's experienced! I'd be OK with Wade again. Better Wade than Frank!
  3. Should this be directed to Dr. Melfi??
  4. Living in Seattle. Working for United Airlines. Preparing for the dreaded Y2K. Seattle was in virtual lock down due to a terrorist threat. US Customs caught some a'hole with a trunk full of explosives, trying to enter the US at Port Angeles. WA. The Space Needle was all fenced off. People paid big money, years in advance to have dinner at midnight 2000 at the top of the Space needle, and it didn't happen. The locked up the terrorist, Y2K came AND went, and life went on.
  5. Been a fan since day 1 of the franchise. I've traded; reasoned, furious and frustrated for Resigned, a long time ago. I can't change where I was born, and despite living in a bunch of NFL cities over the past 45 years, I could never support any other team...so I'm stuck with whatever comes our way. Not happy, but stuck none the less!
  6. Idzik may be fired because he couldn't find a franchise QB. That's never happened with the BILLS.
  7. Can she play linebacker or center?
  8. Ten years ago toady, it was only five years since the BILLS last made the playoffs!
  9. On the bright side, the Bills did get Tom Flores AND Art Powell!
  10. Merry Christmas to all, and to your families! May 2015 be better for us all.
  11. Did NE somehow have a hand in hiring our Coaches, and staffing our Front Office for the last 15 years? One way, or another, the BILLS made the bad decisions, and NE maybe made a whole lot of better ones. So call us; Hapless, unlucky, stupid, FUBAR etc., etc., it's all on our own efforts, or lack of same that gets us here year after year. I hate NE as much as anyone else, but they are not some kind of super franchise. They simply get 2 guaranteed W's, every season, because of us. If we got 2 guaranteed W's every freakin year, we wouldn't be talking about this.
  12. I can't remember man!
  13. Hawaii's OK too.
  14. I'm insulted. I tried to enter South Buffalo, and I was rejected.
  15. Knowing your esteem for bike riders, and your love of disguises, I'd look for the couple who rode to the game on their bicycles.
  16. Art Linkletter made a nice living interviewing kids, and the name of the skit was "Kids Say the darndest things!" As I recall he had a book by the same title. He had an week day afternoon TV show in the 50's, and that was at the end of the show.
  17. Maybe somebody from Yankton SD?
  18. Anytime I go to Europe, I always wear something from the BILLS. I've run into a lot of people in bars. Usually Paris or Rome but also in N Italy, Austria & Germany. The conversation usually starts out with; "Hey are you from Buffalo? So am I!
  19. Yeah, and there were no riots or calls for Justice when he was found "innocent." Just sayin!
  20. Start Tuel, go 0-16, and be in Perfect position for 2016!
  21. Look at all these responses and not a single one says it's the wrong decision. I've NEVER seen this much agreement on anything on this board. GO BILLS!
  22. Well they haven't been used in many years.
  23. Next thing you know, they'll want to include Mother's Day.
  24. Now if we could just talk Payton Manning into hiring Donte to speak for him, maybe we beat the Broncos too.
  25. All this time, we had the WRONG Thigpen.
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