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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. That's like somebody buying a house near the Airport and then complaining about the noise! Costco didn't just begin selling pork. And when Costco sells pork, as with all their other products, they sell it in large quantities. As far as I know, they all sell beer & wine, and a few even have their own liquor departments. So, from the start, Costco was not a good place for a devout Muslim to seek employment. Many times you can be devout and stupid all at the same time! The environmentalists should also note,they sell a lot of Gasoline& Tires too! This is probably all lost on the BUF homeboys because there is no Costco in WNY.
  2. The giant Turkish Hooka was just out of camera view, and that made him talk. The rest was pure Lynch!
  3. If you want a great year, you have to practice year round.
  4. Right after Dave Garroway left.
  5. Do they still sell ZIEBART in Buffalo?
  6. Since when does Buffalo have a "subway system?"
  7. Yeah I agree. Considering the $130mil they just sunk into the Ralph, a new stadium is a ways off. It will happen eventually, but between the traffic problems getting in/out of downtown, and the fact that, on a annual basis, it won't be used that often, I don't know if downtown Buffalo would really be the best choice.
  8. Semper Fi!
  9. Sh*t happens!
  10. Nobody's drinking milk??
  11. That's OK, I expect the Courier Express to fill the void.
  12. Tyler's house was nicer, in the city, and a lot less taxes. If Doug opted out in December, where is the BUF snow in the pictures. The picture looks as though it was taken just after the Bye. maybe it wasn't such a last minute decision after all?
  13. Well everybody can't play in LA! Chargers/Raiders/Rams/Jacksonville, somebody's going to lose. No matter who ends up there, the demographics won't support the NFL.
  14. He's going to "switch" teams?
  15. Richmond VA....Seems colder this winter, but more snow last year. I'd prefer cold to cold & snow. GOD I LOVE GLOBAL WARMING!
  16. God knows what you'd hit if that mis-fired.
  17. Yes, that's what I was taught too, and that was back in the 50's, a much nearer time to the French colonists. I know it's the off season, and everyone's bored with watching bowling but, no matter the logo, I wouldn't have changed the last 20 years.
  18. We got beat out by INDIA???? Seriously???? I never got the sh*tz from eating Buiffalo Wings! India????
  19. Have not lived in BUF for many years but as I recall, that's an "established " part of the city. The house is only a few years old. I wonder what they tore down to build it? I think the Taxes shown on the listing may be incorrect. They're still outrageous but maybe on the "low" side.
  20. So were they identified by fingerprints or skid marks in their underwear?
  21. Does Medicare cover 80% of that?
  22. I understand they have a Snowy Owl problem at BUF airport.
  23. Door engineer? At the Airport they have "queue combers!" Not what you think. They make sure people are in the correct lines (queues) and ready to check in. Since they also sell wine & beer at most Mickey D's in Europe, why not a bouncer?
  24. I remember in the 60's, (maybe Jan 64?) they closed the schools because BUF had an unusual E wind, that blew the Lake Erie ice into the water intake, and shut the city water supply off. There was still water in the system, but they couldn't draw any more from the lake. Good times!!!
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