Lived in the DC area in the 70's, well before he was known nationally. He was the weatherman for WRC, and also originated the Ronald McDonald character. He was the real deal! As nice/crazy off camera, as on. Used to have a radio show with Ed Walker called "the Joy Boys." Very funny show.
9-10 hour drive.
Flying, 6-7, counting the complimentary stop in: Chicago, Atlanta or, the ever popular Newark. If I fly, I have to rent a car. Has anyone seen the car rental rates lately?
Obviously, couldn't agree more! My wife says "no more dogs!" I just mostly say nothing because I have not found the right one yet. BTW I am the vacuum b....itch!
Never been to one. Small class (80ish), school's not there anymore.
Did skip the college reunion because; I don't play golf. didn't want to give them any $$, didn't want to drive 8-9 hrs., and can drink all I want at home, without the stupid mask!.