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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Never saw her at Broadway/Fillmore!
  2. Since I graduated from Niagara U in '69, while the BILLS were still there, and OJ was a rookie, I'm partial to Niagara. However, if the location, in some twisted way makes a difference, I'm OK with whatever they decide.
  3. Fortunately, my grill is pretty much a year round run.
  4. I drive 70 miles each way, every 4-5 weeks, to get to Wegmans in Fredericksburg VA. And I hate driving on I-95 too. Well worth the trip!
  5. I still smile every time I read his name. Sounds like he fell out of one of Chan's old play books. "Y'all can run the wildcat with Tyrod!"
  6. WE should have our own contest IF; the BILLS miss the playoffs again OR if the SABRES don't get the #1 Draft pick.
  7. What will his stone/monument be?
  8. Maybe we should defer the slogan picking till AFTER the season.
  9. Burn Bon Jovi for the Half Time show.
  10. They would be difficult to "sneak in." And, yes, they are very annoying!
  11. If Rex wants to run 50x a game, how often will he get to throw?.
  12. Oops! just threw up on my keyboard.
  13. Just saved the Taxpayers a bunch of money.
  14. Altimeters are always feet above sea level. There are also radio altimeters that provide feet above terrain.,, but the standard, in every plane, altimeter is feet above sea level. As I recall BUF is 700+/- feet above sea level. Altimeters also need to be set to current barometric pressure. On the ground you dial/set the barometric pressure into the altimeter, and you will see the field elevation on the instrument. Once you climb above 18000' everyone uses 29.92", so everyone is set to the same setting.
  15. Can it be moved? His last one!
  16. He didn't get that wasted between Latvia and Denmark. Likely had a good head start, and should never have been boarded in the first place, or he was drinking from his own supply, rather than what the Airline was serving.. The Airlines sell drinks because it is very profitable to do so. If that wasn't true, they would have gone the way all of other previously available "services." They also have the right to not serve anyone. Those buffet carts are very heavy when they're empty. Once they are loaded, they are even heavier. Weight uses fuel and extra weight uses extra fuel. If it were not profitable to drag those heavy carts around, they would have been gone years ago.
  17. People have no respect for; rules, authority, and most importantly other people. Good for Southwest!
  18. Irsay would never understand that! He seems to be nuttier than the old man was.
  19. I graduated HS in '65. So I forgot the "e!"
  20. Shop and save at SATTLERS, 9-9-8 Broadway!
  21. Curt Gowdy, Kyle Rote, Al DeRogatis
  22. I don't think my HS French would be good enough. Merd!!!!
  23. SOMEHOW, I'll bet we get screwed out of the #1 pick.
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