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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. That's likely true. Paul flies his own 757. I think Pegs is a Net Jets guy.
  2. Why, is it dry?
  3. We "retired" because our company went CH11. I had 35 years but was only 55. Found another job in the Richmond VA area. Bought a nice house in '04, did some improvements in '06. We're not "underwater" now, but couldn't get enough out, to move when I retire again in 2016. I don't have any feelings for Richmond, and would like to move, but all things considered, we're lucky to be where we are, and most likely will not move. I'd love to move back to BUF, but wouldn't want the NY taxes. Oh well, Wegmans in coming in 2016, so maybe it won't be that bad!
  4. Who's getting cut to pay for that? Jerry's cap is already stretched.
  5. Well, we only know what we read, but they are professionals. Immature "professionals," but professionals, so I hope they get the message.
  6. I smell a PROMOTION.
  7. We moved from Seattle to Williamsburg VA, 12 years ago. We had 5 cats. When you drive across the USA with 5 cats, you can't stay in an nice hotel. No lobby, elevator etc. Mostly look for some 40+ former Holiday Inn, where you can back up to the room, in the dark, and start moving cat carriers in. We made the drive in 3.5 days. Once we got to VA., we put the cats on ice, at the vet, flew back to Seattle, picked up my wife's car, and the dog, and did it all over again. Now, 12 years later, we still have 1 of the original 5. He's 16. They are all rescue cats. My wife's just a girl that can't say no.
  8. Well, Wegmans is expanding. 2 new stores being built in Richmond VA. All reports are...they are a great place to work. No idea what they pay.
  9. When i was in college, in the mid 60's, my uncle got me a summer job at Bethlehem Steel. I lasted 3 days, and quit. Everybody wore a hard hat, and depending on where you worked, that determined what color hat you wore. If you were new, you wore a white hat, and I swear that the overhead crane operators would look for a white hat, to drop a roll of galvanized steel, about 2" from your as*! Between that and the S Buffalo RR switch engines, I was convinced that I was going to become an industrial fatality. The money was good BUT...!
  10. How stable is your Company? Will they still be around in 7-8 years? If they are merged or acquired, what happens to the pension promise? How stable is you company? Will they still be around in 7-8 years, and beyond? If they are merged or acquired, what does that do to your pension? I think the doubling in 7 years is unrealistic but if that's true, how does that compare to the 2-3% over the same period? You need a couple of reliable financial opinions before you make any moves. Most individuals are unequipped to correctly handle such a lifetime decision. I am not a financial adviser, but have been faced with a similar situation, except I didn't have the choices that you seem ti have. Best of luck!
  11. Planning will only get you so far. Look at all the: auto workers, steel workers, airline employees etc. that lost their pensions due to "bankruptcy." How many WNY'er's know about PBGC? People work 20-40+ years, for the same company, and have huge pieces of their financial futures just fall away. If you end up with PBGC, you're dealing with the government, so it's being paid for by the taxpayers. A PBGC pension is a much reduced benefit and has no COLA adjustments-ever. What you see is what you get, till you die, hope you can make it!. Social Security is taxed when it goes in AND taxed when you withdraw it, thanks to Pres. Clinton. I don't trust ROTH IRA's because who's to say that those rules won't be changed too? It's not a very pretty picture for a whole lot of people!
  12. She may make you a deal on your jersey?
  13. Cheap seats!
  14. Give him a year or two, he'll be back.
  15. What we've all been through is called LIFE! Every team does not win every Sunday. Buy them the smallest stuff you can find, and watch them grow.
  16. Dump the Pro Bowl. Have the Super Bowl, the next week after the division games. Possibly bag the bye weeks too.
  17. ABR...Anybody But the Rangers!
  18. Yes, it's between him and Gregggggg!
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