I was diagnosed as Celiac in 2001. So I'm Gluten Free, not by choice, but by necessity. No Beer, Bread, Pasta, etc. (no wheat, oats, barley or rye)
I spend a lot of time reading the fine print (ingredients), and quite honestly, the contents in your proposed product would immediately put me off! I wouldn't even be tempted to try it. Anything with insects, seaweed etc.I avoid, and I don't care how "good" it will be for me.
Gluten Free products have come a long way since 2001. If you decide to do this, plan on doing business in California, they will eat anything! WNY, not too much! If you go the California route, try to get Costco etc. to carry the product. Your margins will be low, so hopefully you'll make it up on volume.
No matter what, best of luck!