About 20 years ago, I was working in Seattle for United Airlines. We had a DC10 arriving that had a lavatory leak. It's called a "blue ice" problem! What happens is the lav waste goes into a holding tank on the plane but if there's a defective seal at the lav service panel, where the lavs get serviced, the mostly blue fluid can leak out. When that happens, blue ice quickly forms at -60, and will either break off in flight, or in this case, accumulate. So the ice chunk gets big, and the airplane is descending for landing. Once it gets low enough where the outside temp is warmer than the ice, the ice melts and can fall off the plane.
So this maybe 20 lb piece of frozen stuff falls off the plane. It's Sunday, and some innocent guy is watching football, and the ice hits his house. It went through his roof, and into his TV room. Scared his cat so much that it went through his screen door! Imagine dropping a bowling ball from 6000', and you'll understand what can happen. Of course, the ice will melt, it's all liquid because that's all that could leak, but still may not smell too good!
SOOO if the toe fungus was part of the ice chunk, the story could be true!