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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I retired from United Airlines after 35 years (1968-2003). They went CH11, dumped our earned pensions on the Government, and now are buying hundreds of billions of $ worth of new airplanes. So the Feds took over the pensions, said we were being overpaid, cut the benefit by almost half, and then adjusted our future monthly benefit down, to get back the alleged over payment. I know many from the BUF area who are retired autoworkers and steel workers who got the same treatment. The difference being that their former employers are not as successful as United. The USA has a massive deficit, and PBGC represents about $30 billion of that deficit. If they (US Govt.) had any sense, they'd take all the pensions that are being paid to later successful companies, and make the successful company pay the people that they rightly owe. That would take a bite out of our deficit.
  2. They're just doing the jobs that Americans won't do.
  3. On Eastbound transatlantic you get dinner and breakfast. Coming home you get Lunch and a pre-arrival snack. Other than Hawaii, I have not crossed the Pacific since 75, so I don't know. The last time I crossed the Pacific the locals were shooting at me, so I never wanted to go back.
  4. Well we had 2' of global warming in our driveway, in Chester VA., and this is not supposed to happen here. If it was normal, you can bet I'd have the baddest snowblower that I could find.
  5. I've eaten at some very nice Waffle Houses in the South. But I live in the Richmond VA area, and they are pretty sad around here.
  6. I hope Denver wins, even if it's by 1 point in OT!
  7. O Canada,,,,,You make me want to shout!
  8. Maybe we could ask for a new law or Executive Action against being STUPID!
  9. Living in N Virginia. Drove to BUF to check on my parents. I can remember driving W on Rt 20A, and seeing those big old farmhouses with snow up to the 2nd floor, and higher..
  10. Remember that hooker I introduced you to in New Orleans?
  11. It's the best way to prove if the departed ever cheated. That would NOT be a good afterlife.
  12. That's about the most fun a guy can have in Detroit now'a'days..
  13. Is it working well???? Then don't mess with it!
  14. Just got stuck in my driveway, S of Richmond VA. Trying to get to work at the airport when there are no planes within 300 miles of us. The snow is over the bumper of my SUV. This stuff is heavy/wet "heart attack snow", and laughs at 4WD. Don't know how this news will go with the boss but lucky to be retiring next week, so it is what it is!
  15. The NFL is running out of viable markets. The LA situation will fail, again, because the demographics have changed so much since the last team left. There simply are not enough people in the LA area who care enough AND can afford to support a franchise. Drawing from San Diego, Oakland etc. wears pretty fast.
  16. They should just name them all AL, in honor of all the Global Warming (Al Gore) crap they keep pushing. AL 1, AL 2, AL 3, etc.
  17. I prefer the Coke can in between test.
  18. Leave it to NJ to come up with another TAX, covered by a Law.
  19. I delivered Mail in S Buffalo, Christmas 66 & 67. Nobody shoveled, and some of those front porches were killer, but I was in College and it didn't bother me then. Had several dogs follow me every day., good times!
  20. Sounds like the Transport Company may be a Linen Supply/Trash Hauling Company too!
  21. It might be OK after a meal of seaweed & bait.
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