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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. He will continue to learn, but at what rate? It's unfortunate that we gave up so much for a starter who wasn't able to start, and win.
  2. They are in Santa Clara, E of San Jose, and the weather is more moderate there than in SFO.
  3. Didn't Dan Rather get into trouble for trying to 'change history?"
  4. But can they pass or block??
  5. So St Louis has lost 2 NFL teams, and so has LA. I wouldn't be surprised if St Louis gets another chance in a few years, maybe close to the same time the new LA Rams fail?
  6. That's true, we were robbed, but we left the door unlocked by not getting closer before kicking.
  7. How come they're not running with it?? Like running with the bulls, except no animal cruelty.
  8. I agree BUT when the Boss (owner) tells you to do something...............
  9. Yes, and if productivity does not improve, you'will all get laid off, and be replaced by foreign fans, who don't expect so much.
  10. Could we bring back the band?/?
  11. Did you buy the drink package?
  12. It almost worked for Bon Jovi.
  13. THEY can have unlimited F' ups, but if YOU make a mistake it's your as*!
  14. I think you can also get RBF by NEVER making the payoffs!
  15. Yes, but you already know the ending!
  16. Well, I bet on Powerball, so these odds are make it seem doable.
  17. Terry & Kim didn't get to where they are by being stupid! Rex, on the other hand???
  18. We have a new store about :10 from my house. I don't see a reason to go back. It's very small and reminds me of grocery discount stores from 30+ years ago. Very unremarkable!
  19. 35 years ago I was unloading the rear of a 727 in Houston. Got furloughed again, and that's where the job was when the music stopped. I turned around and a flight attendant was standing behind me. She asked for my help in recovering her pearls. I asked her where they were, and she said she was in one of the aft lavs, and they somehow fell into the john. We had 2 aft lavs on a 727, they each have their own holding tank. So I asked her which one she was in, R or L?. She told me R. I told her that I would have to dump the contents on the ramp, not into the truck. Nowadays, a lav spill on the ramp is a haz mat call, for clean up. 35 years ago it was an inconvenience! So I got the lav truck, and dumped the R lav onto the ramp, AND, no pearls! I looked at her and said, "you did say the R lav, correct? And she said, "do you mean if I'm facing forward or rear???. So I dumped the L lav, and there were the pearls. She then asked me what do I do now? I politely told her that my job was done. So she went up the rear airstairs, and came back with a set of ice tongs. She tip toe'd through the lav waste, and got the pearls with the ice tongs. I don't remember if she thanked me, but often wondered if: she ever wore the pearls again, and also if she ever used the ice tongs again?
  20. Yeah, and it's really old sh*t too!
  21. I bought a lifetime membership for the United Club in 1974. It was less than $150. It has served us well, and I understand that they did away with lifetime memberships many years ago.
  22. If it melts some of the snow in my driveway, it will be appreciated.
  23. I don't see anything much changing in one more year. The Chargers still want a stadium, paid for by the already over burdened California taxpayers. The fan support won't change, especially if they feel used/cornered by this extension.
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