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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Maybe if it was a really good cardboard license plate?. Since it's not, no!
  2. Guess there's a lot of money in horsing around.
  3. What happened to equal pay for equal work?
  4. They all seem to be in Law school???
  5. In some ways, I feel sorry for him. Sure, he's got a big contract, but I feel that he's invested in the community, and planning on being here longer. Money aside, if you have enough faith in an employer, to make a move, and then because management has changed, you no longer "fit" in their plan, that's bad. The guy is still a great player, but couldn't transition into a new/different system. His stats took a huge hit last season, and the BILLS did not utilize him to his potential. I have to hope that this is not another of those situations that comes back to bite us in the as* in the future. Hopefully he will not end up in another AFC East team.
  6. I usually wear something with BILLS or SABRES on it when I'm in Europe. I've met a lot of former Buffalonians along the way. Amsterdam is beautiful, but it's mostly built on reclaimed land. The field elevation at the airport is minus 10 feet.
  7. We're holding our fire on any more Europe stuff, till the immigration situation gets sorted out. We were in Cologne Germany about 10 days before all the New Year's eve trouble. The Cologne train station is only about 3-4 blocks from the Rhine River, where the ships moor. Didn't see any problems while we were there, but it got my attention, knowing that we had just left.
  8. Get to Costco at St Catherines, and put your Loonies down.
  9. All you guys with Airport/Airline problems need to speak to Joe Patroni! He can fix everything. RIP George.
  10. We took a 7 day Rhine River cruise in December. Started in Basel Switzerland, and ended in Amsterdam. I lost count of the locks, but there must have been 15-20. All Barge traffic on the Rhine, very beautiful!
  11. And I thought it was all Maple Syrup. It gives a whole new meaning to VERMONT MADE.
  12. I don't see Dan doing any of that, in the past or in the future.
  13. So was he talking about the 8 W's or the 8 L's?? If he was talking about the 8 L's he should just STF up.
  14. If it's a really big one, and lasts over 4 hours, go to the hospital.
  15. Great to see a person who was a hero but didn't make a lifelong career in politics because of it. RIP. Colonel.
  16. Needed a bottle of Jager??
  17. Couldn't find his favorite wrench?
  18. So does this mean you're up the creek?
  19. If it pulls inward, then it's already inside, and throwing it out is just wasting time. Some also push out, and may be attached to the plane. The over wing types used to all pull inward, but since that's changing now, it's another good reason to listen to the safety announcements.
  20. I don't think anyone would want to eat a wild turkey.
  21. Are you the guy who jumps on flaming tables at Tailgates?
  22. If you want to lay down, upgrade to Business, of First. It's an airplane, not a Pullman coach.
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