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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Man that's a long time ago! What were you wearing?
  2. I blame socialized medicine. Also they didn't take care of their teeth!
  3. And Young Frankenstein & Animal House.
  4. Would you seriously want to drive from the "West End" to Richmond Airport 5 days a week? There are NO direct routes. And no, I don't consider I-64 across Richmond direct. I live on the S side of the James River, and it's 12 miles each way with zero traffic.
  5. We retired in Seattle then moved to Williamsburg to retire in better weather and lower cost of living.. No sooner had we settled there when my employer dumped our pensions, due to CH11. Found a new job in Richmond, and moved back to save the 50 mile drive each way to work. So now we live in Chester, S Side of Richmond. After 35 years with the first job, just re-retired after 12 years here. Smith Mountain/Roanoke is nice but they get more snow in the winter, so we're likely going to stay here. Most ot the big Richmond development is on the W side of town, but that didn't work for me, considering my job was E of the city. I didn't want to cross Richmond 2x a day, so we went S. This is not where we planned to be, it just worked out that way.
  6. I lived in Houston 82-86, and couldn't wait to escape. You're right about the pizza. I was born/raised in BUF but actually moved to Houston from Chicago, so between the Buffalo & Chicago pizza, I feel your pain! One word of advice that worked well for me. Whenever one of the knuckle dragers ask "Are y'all a Yankee??? I say no, I'm A BILLS fan. That always worked well for me. Feel free to substitute BILLS for SABRES. Never liked the Mexican food there. I preferred the S California variety.
  7. I'm envious of you. I left in 1970, and never really had an opportunity to get back to live in BUF. You have a job, so that justifies a lot, but I'm retired, and while I could consider moving, The NYS Taxes keep me in S Virginia, so it could worse!
  8. Just a guess, but Houston is not a hub for AA. Therefore they have neither AA mechanics nor a parts inventory to draw from. The flight was cancelled because there was a MEL (minimum equipment list) item in the log book. You can't dispatch a flight with an open MEL item, so it would be cancelled. So AA would send 2 mechanics to Houston, with the part, to do the fix and put the airplane back into service, many hours after 1700. This happens because the airlines equate carrying a parts inventory at a non hub location as being an unnecessary expense.. They have also eliminated all their mechanics from non hub locations, again as a "cost savings." It's not just AA that operates this way. The same goes for Delta, United Southwest etc. Late day flights are more likely to be cancelled at non hubs because the airplane has been flying all day, and by 1700-1800 it may have accumulated an MEL item. My last guess was this was an MD80?
  9. Out of sight, out of mind.
  10. Seems there may been a little home schooling involved.
  11. That was an Embraer 190. AA only has about 20 of them, from US Airways, so not a large crew base to draw from for "replacement" Their closest E190 base is on the E coast. Most passengers would have rebooked on other flights well before AA could have re-crewed.
  12. They're so nonspecific, how could they be wrong?
  13. THEY "consider themselves Nuns???"
  14. Why won't the Doc sign his Death Certificate??
  15. I switched from GM to Nissan in 1983. Got tired of being on a first name basis with Mr Goodwrench.. We have 2 Pathfinders. Very roomy, drive well, they have a large Carbon footprint but so does Air Force 1, so no worries.
  16. Happy Easter everyone. Wish it was a bit later, like a month, but as usual, nobody asked me!
  17. Daytime vs night may be in issue since we sprung forward last week.
  18. New room mate, Priceless!
  19. The Pegula's didn't get to where they are by being stupid. IF and WHEN a new Stadium makes sense, they will be there. Till then Roger can pretty much sit on it and spin!
  20. I wish Wegmans carried it in Virginia.
  21. Sometimes you can't see the on stage monitors through all the "smoke."
  22. SpongeBox Square pants?
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