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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I had no idea he was 61. That's way too young. RIP, and prayers to his family.
  2. If they broadcast using a digital signal, I don't think an antenna would do much good, no matter the location.
  3. Wish I had the sense to make those bets.
  4. At least she's no Lorenna Bobbitt, yet!
  5. EJ paid him to do that!
  6. He wears CARGO SHORTS!
  7. They're useful if you're homeless! Saves having to push that shopping cart around.
  8. We both moved out of Williamsburg VA a long time ago.
  9. Where would you rather be?? Above the grass for sure.
  10. This belongs in Facebook! Dig me, watch me, Look at me, I ate this, I'm over here, etc., etc., And NO I'm not there.
  11. Theycould do their Lunar surface training in WNY. Just use any of the old industril plant sites.
  12. Day 5, August 3, was a day off.
  13. Maybe they should name a sandwich after her. Call it the McBit*h!
  14. Where'd they do the research for this, England?
  15. It can get pretty hot in Kentucky this time of year.
  16. If it's that unstable now, wait for the next big quake. Sounds like it may have been built on some sort of landfill, or uncompacted subsoil.
  17. I think SHE's running for president.
  18. I'd rather see Fred come back, to retire here, but Terry NEVER asked me!
  19. Move Parkside to Seneca tower...A win-win!
  20. Sounds like a Bum wrap to me!
  21. That's why Marv & I moved out of Williamsburg. It's just not safe!
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