What the NFL WANTS and what they'll get may not be the same.
The NFL is running out of cities to relocate teams. The Raiders are going to Vegas BUT now that LA has two teams, it's only a matter of time till one, or both will try to move out again, because of lack of support. The NFL WANTS a market in LA BUT LA does not have the demographics to support one, much less two NFL teams. What's left of the LA middle class do not live close to the city. After 5 days of LA traffic, they won't consider another drive to a stadium on Sunday. People living below the middle class don't have the money or the inclination to go to the games, and the elites could care less about anything but themselves.
So what does that leave in terms of viable markets? Not very much!
Buffalo may not be perfect, but it has worked for a very long time! The NFL is overdue for a Commissioner change, then who knows?.