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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I'd trade Tom Brady's soul. Oh wait, that's been spoken for already!
  2. Now if they could just give the games back to ABC, so we could watch them w/o ESPN.
  3. 2 parts physics and 1 part Idiot!
  4. It's called entertainment! Not on the same level as the BILLS, but entertainment.
  5. Rob reminded me of Fredo, from the Godfather.
  6. No Braves = no interest for me. It will never change!
  7. I live S of Richmond VA., and the crowds will never die down. Their drive thru line is always very long.
  8. JFK is having runway construction now. If possible, always try for an early AM flight. Most of those planes have been there overnight, and are usually ready to go. Later in the day, arrivals can start to back up, due to such things as runway/taxiway construction, or weather etc. Once arrivals start taking delays, the departure flights that those airplanes represent will start to slide too.
  9. Well my take on that is that their piloting skills saved the planeload of passengers. Air Canada initially reprimanded them but they were later exonerated AND honored for their handling of that emergency situation.
  10. Just more desperation to make LA NFL friendly. The Combine could be more popular than either of their teams.
  11. If they do, they don't trust their people to get it right. It's all button pushing now. I retired from United in 2003, (1968-2003) but later, I did work as Airport Operations Supervisor, 2004-2016, at an east coast airport. Having had the opportunity to see how 8-10 other airlines operate, it's all contract people. $10 an hour, no benefits, inadequate training to people who have no incentive to do their jobs well. McD pays better..
  12. That's because nobody is "trained/certified" to do it anymore. Every pilot has to demonstrate weight & balance and flight planning skill to get his/her license. When there is an "outage," they could start with a historical flight plan, between 2 cities, and adjust for current winds and payload. It's a starting point, and, given adequate training could be done.
  13. Unbelievable! Computers "go down." OK, you have a fall back plan. Compute the fuel loads the old way. File the flight plans by phone. It wouldn't be pretty but they would never have to shut the whole airline down.
  14. Are they remaking the Blues Brothers?
  15. Greed and season length are killing professional sports. Who goes to a game by themselves?? Everything gets multiplied. The Stanley Cup series in June is a joke, as is the NBA in May-June, and World Series in November. If Reggie Jackson was still playing he'd be Mr Thanksgiving, not Mr October!
  16. Twin Fair, Hengerers, J N Adams, Kleinhans, Spoonley the Train Man, Grants, Woolworth,
  17. To Williamsburg VA., for a cook-out w/friends. 60% chance of thunderstorms!
  18. This is an old and universal problem. The NFL knows they are running out of "other cities" when it comes to franchise locations in the USA. NFL Europe has already failed, and one game a year in Mexico City, London & Tokyo, does not represent a season(s). This country had had stagnated economic growth for over 10 years, the middle class has shrunk, and the taxpayers are generally in no mood to entertain stadium projects. Vegas has been off limits for years because of the co-located gambling but now we have the Raiders going to Vegas. Once again the politicians are not listening to the people, and the Vegas stadium, and its debt, will be the result. Can't think of anywhere else where this could happen, right now.
  19. That's a big reason for Brexit! England had a terrorist "watch list" with about 3500-4000 names. Belgium has over 18,000! Have not seen any numbers from France, but people are fed up with the BS, and are doing all they can to limit and eventually end it!
  20. We'll see if both teams are even still in LA in 2020! Despite the NFL dream, the demographics are not there for one, much less two teams.
  21. I doubt if he could even run anymore!
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