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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. No but I was visualizing adding an extra E.l
  2. Tie between the Music City Miracle and Wide Right!
  3. WE clearly need a train track at the stadium. It would add a whole new dimension to tailgating.
  4. If it was Jupiter, it would be news!
  5. Me too! 2 were raised from pups, then the next 4 were all rescues. Found #6 at the SPCA almost 9 years ago. They told me he was 1 at that time. Getting very gray in the face but still gets around pretty well. Can't walk him too much this time of year but when the weather cools down, he will be back on his walks. He's been the best so far!
  6. I wonder if he knows?
  7. Exactly what kind of bet did he lose?
  8. What would you expect during the off season?
  9. Somebody has to pay! The Rockpile was an old WPA project from the 30's Depression era. So was the Aud. So, even then, the taxpayers were paying. If you look at where the other pro teams were playing, at that time, they were all financed by public funds. The NFL will soon recognize that they are running out of "expansion" options. Buffalo is blessed to have the Pegula's because there are not very many places our size where locals have that kind of money, and are willing to step up to buy a franchise. There will; be no new stadium in Buffalo till the most recent bonds are fully amortized, another 10 or so years. New York state could step up, at the right time to offer financial incentives for whatever stadium the future holds. Ditto the NFL. But without that, we could be in New Era for a very long time.
  10. Shredded Wheat-from Niagara Falls, Rice Crispies, Frosted Mini Wheat. Been Celiac since 2001 so very limited now. No wheat, oats, barley or rye. Can't figure out how they got the gluten out of Honey Nut Cheerios, but that's an option now. Can get mass quantities at Costco, for not too much $$. Can't believe the prices at Wegmans, even for their store brands. High prices and tiny boxes.
  11. Sucks to be Richard! He should have tried harder for the NBA or MLB. Richard wants to kill the goose that's laying all the golden eggs.
  12. Never! Always preferred the old fashioned way, with the gear & flaps down.
  13. Well it did happen in NEW ENGLAND. Kind of normal for a Pats fan!
  14. If the curse word was posted while being caught sleeping with your neighbors wife then you;'re a Pats fan! Wicked awful!
  15. Grad in 65, NY drinking age was 18, and everyone had "proof" by 14-15. There was virtually no pot, everyone was too drunk to find it.
  16. Dr Evil didn't get rich by "giving" great deals!
  17. Isn't being a BILLS fan enough of a curb to your enthusiasm?
  18. It's been soo long ago, can't even remember the b*tch.
  19. Just a little wildlife pre-season Tailgating. Let me know if any bears break any tables, or start fires.
  20. You guys are heathens! No wonder the BILLS suck every season. On the one hand we have Brady & Kraft selling their souls years ago, and now this??
  21. Anything with the word SPROUTS!
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