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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. No matter what, he'll also be a year older! Fuggatt about it.!
  2. Gee, they looked like such funny guys in the Blues brothers movie.
  3. If you go to Montreal, keep going N to Quebec City.i
  4. He used to be "fashionably late" coming out on the field. Often missed the anthem.
  5. Graduated in 69, already had my pilots license,and went into the USAF. I have allergies, they wouldn't let me fly. As soon as they found out, I "had a choice of staying 4 years as an enlisted man, or be discharged, and take my chances with the draft." I was mad and decided that 2 years would be better than 4, so I took the discharge. Received an Honorable discharge in 1970, reported back to the draft board, gave them my discharge paper, and they stamped me 4F. End of that story! The Military used to have an induction center at Main & North. It was an all day deal, so they gave us lunch vouchers for the Anchor Bar. Never did like that place, and have never been back.l
  6. No need to "go om record," they didn't ask me! Watkins did seem to have a "glass" foot, and Darby wasn't that consistent, so as Chris Rock said about OJ, "he did it, but I understand!"
  7. I use it but only on mostly level roads, and am careful if it rains. If the road surface is not well drained, you can hydroplane, and it's not safe to use it then. Yes it does save some gas! I-95 can be pretty bad but there are few alternate routes on the east coast going N-S. Living in Richmond, when we drive to Dulles, I take 95 N to either Fredericksburg or Quantico. Fredericksburg exits on US-17, which runs into US-15, while Quantico has the Prince William Parkway. It has traffic lights but both bypass DC to the south and west. Last December we came home from Munich, got our car parked in Reston VA, and drove the Dulles Access Rd, and the EZ Pass lanes on I-495 to I-95 S. It was a good drive, when I was already tired from flying, but the EZ Pass bill was around $50, just for that one trip! That's a rip BUT think of all the people who use that a lot, and their bills must be crazy high.
  8. I can't make out which state the car is from, in the first link, but pretty sure it's NOT Virginia. Most of these situations seem to be worsened by hired out of town thugs, just interested, and there, to cause trouble. I know that recently there have been some people from NC, but it does not look like a NC plate either. Anyway, It's not a "grassroots" type of situation. Very sad that people are injured and even killed by this crap. I hate the term "hate crime," but this may be one!
  9. Gee, I'll miss those crapy plastic bags you get at checkout.
  10. Wagner?? Can the Fat Lady sing They Make me want to Shout?
  11. They could be a great act in the Texas Prison Rodeo.
  12. IF there was money to be made, the NFL would step up and provide the planes. Even that would not be great because of the length of the seasons.
  13. Who brought the Napalm??
  14. Just because planes are painted in a teams colors does not mean the teams own them. US Airways/American has several airbus A-319's painted for; The Panthers, Steelers,etc. They fly for the airlines all week and get positioned to carry the teams to/from games. The Seahawks started this late 90's, when the had an Alaska Air 727 painted as Seahawk 1. Again, not owned by the team. The paint job was a provisoin of the teams contract with the airline. AirTran used to have some too but I doubt if Southwest followed through with that.
  15. I guarantee that these planes are from some desert parking location. Why were they there? Because they're too expensive to maintain and operate. If they are based somewhere in NE, they better have hangar space. As we know, the NFL season weather starts out nice but by November, it can get pretty nasty. It can take forever to de-ice a cold 767 that has an accumulation of snow and ice, and hasn't flown since last week's game. . They will not be "making money" by year two because they will be 2 years older, and that will drive even more service and maintenance issues. Can this be written off, maybe, but will it be worth it? Airplanes are a lot like boats. They can be fun and enjoyable BUT they are not cheap to operat, and store. Airplanes especially, because you constantly have the FAA to deal with, and satisfy. If the FAA is not happy, they pull your certificate and you have a very big paperweight, with a nice paint job, parked on the ramp. Catering will be very important. Many locations don't have flight kitchens anymore. These guys are used to eating and partying, and that will be a challenge. I remember a 49er's charter, several years ago. They played Seattle, took off for SFO, and radioed back that the flight kitchen hadn't fully cooked the meat entrees. No time to do that on an 1;45 flight, so either enjoy meat on a stick, or no entree! Can't overlook cabin cleaning after the flight. NFL charters get absolutely trashed inside, far worse than what you would see on an airliner. Cabin cleaning after an NFL charter is horrendous. When they operate into another city they are frequently ground handled by a FBO (fixed base operator). These kids have minimal experience loading/unloading a 767. A couple seasons ago, I watched a FBO ground crew trying to open a cargo door on a Delta 767-300. Problem was, it was on the L side of the plane and had been "blocked" by Delta. These bozos were pushing the boom of a belt loader against the blocked door, trying to open it. There's a lot more to look at than just looking at a price, buying a 767 or two, and imagining that they will somehow save a team a whole lot of $$.
  16. 2 20 year old 767's is NO bargain! Parts and maintenance will be a nightmare. Especially if they have a problem in a city where whomever they have contract(s) with has no presence. True they could take parts off one to cover the other BUT you have to get the parts from one location to the other. NASCAR is getting away from owning their own planes, and they fly more often than any NFL team.
  17. He was a genuine talent! Too bad he had to go out the way he did. RIP!
  18. Just saved a bundle on Sunday Ticket!
  19. Well since No News is Good News, we'll have to wait and see. Really can't think of anything good that ever came to WNY from NYC.
  20. Oh no, another Ford Bronco story?
  21. Without all the fancy itemizing, $100=/-. I use Turbo Tax too, and they never asked that!
  22. Grew up in S Buffalo, 50-60's. By the end of the 60's a lot of homes had antennas that rotated using an electric motor. Had a box on the TV that lit up and indicated antenna direction. That's how we beat the "blackout" before cable. We could get; Erie, Rochester, Toronto etc. Snow didn't bother them much but sometimes ice would. Don't remember even having cable till the mid to late 70's.
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