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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. NPR??? Haven't listened to that since Car Talk went off. They never really consider All Things.
  2. Except that all the real Cardinals fans are in Chicago & St. Louis.
  3. It's still pre-season. Things will calm down by the first game.
  4. Either he/she is not allergic to bee stings, or they have a bag of epipens from Bill Gates just out of view..
  5. Tebow should get a try out.
  6. Hill Street Blues.
  7. Well for Celiac, you can't eat through it. You will do a lot of damage to yourself, and maybe even die trying. Eating through it will destroy your immune system, and once that happens all bets are off. I'm Irish, so I love potatoes and meat, and vegetables too, so I'm not wasting away. The rest of the stuff just requires an adjustment. No beer, but wine, rum and vodka are fine. Just an example of my adjustment(s).. I know there seem to be a lot of people who say they are gluten free, peanut free, lactose free etc., but it's not a fad diet thing for many, and if the advice comes from a medical diagnosis, you better pay attention..
  8. I was diagnosed Celiac in 2001. If I eat/drink anything with gluten, IF I don't get sick shortly afterword, the gluten destroys your immune system making you wide open for all kinds of diseases, cancers etc. So it's a bit more than an affliction for me. Had a colonoscopy and endoscopy earlier this year, and the Doc said that while I still have celiac, it is inactive, and that's all thanks to controlling my diet. So, nothing with wheat, oats, barley or rye. Some forms of oats seem to be OK. Cheerios have a honey nut cereal that's OK. I get it at Costco, so not too expensive. No beer, bread, pasta etc., but that's OK, because I'm still healthy. My Mom passed away at 61 with cancer. That was 35+ years ago but I believe she had what I have, but was never diagnosed. Since my discovery, several others in my family have been diagnosed with it too, so it's hereditary. There's no medication or cure for this, just control of diet.
  9. Well, I'm Irish and it offends me too! History is factual, and no statue can ever change that. Go to Europe. Visit the prison camps from WWII. Now that was offensive but they are not being covered up or torn down.
  10. Was this before or after Dareus was sent home?
  11. Didn't we already consider Michael Vick? Is there no end to our desperate insanity?
  12. No matter what, TT is #1 on the chart. He will start the opener, assuming he clears his protocol by then! Anyone who thinks we draft a QB, in the first round, and he will be an instant starter is delusional.
  13. Yes, water is huge! Went through Alicia in 83 in Houston, and then Isabelle in 2003 in Williamsburg VA. Before the '03 storm hit, we filled up our bath tub, so we would have water to use to flush the toilets. Well, we never lost our water, so that was good, but the hurricane followed a very wet summer, and an incredible number of trees just fell over. The ground was so wet, and the soil is so sandy that the roots had nothing much to hang on to. So the area was left with a lot of hard wood trees down. CSX railroad has a very good coal hauling business between W VA and the coal docks at Newport News. The hoppers just dead head back empty, after they dump the coal. Having also lived in Chicago, and knowing the demand for firewood, I regretted not having the "connections" to haul the downed trees to Chicago. I could have been the fire wood king! All the houses in the NW suburbs of Chicago have huge fireplaces, and there's not a tree to be seen for maybe 100 miles from Chicago.
  14. I keep it simple, Mr & Mrs T's. I'm gluten free, so have to be careful what I use as a mixer.
  15. I lived in Houston for Alicia in 1983. Cat 5, no fun! No electricity for 10 days AND no water. They turned the water off! No baths/showers in that hateful humidity. That's why they all say "Whoooeee!" Ice was like gold!
  16. Having been a BILLS fan since day 1, I have always enjoyed the games for their relaxation value, away from the day to day job, school, etc. That is now changed to the point that if I see any more player personal feeling stuff, I'll be tuning out. I don't care who "feels" what! Play the game, or stay in the locker room! The NFL has let too much of this crap go on for way to long. The players have already received a free education, IF they chose to receive it, now have multi million $$ contracts, and they expect me to give a sh*t how they "feel?" Give m,e a freekin break!
  17. Have not missed him at all! Much more trouble than he was ever worth.
  18. I have DirectTV but never Sunday Ticket. Wouldn't waste my time dealing with them. We prefer to go to a BILLS bar where we can be miserable with 60-70 other fans.
  19. Make him VP in charge of Tailgating. He could coordinate parking lot clean up after the games.
  20. I'll bet his wife and/or family didn't like the wings.
  21. They can be a novelty, and like all novelties, the feelingwill wear down. After that you still have the maintenance and upkeep. Had one in Texas in the 80's, never missed it, or Texas, when I moved.
  22. Well, no Fat Lady singing yet! We SHOULD win it BUT this is exactly the kind of game that we somehow could lose. Keep hope alive!
  23. I doubt that Polian ran everything by Marv before making a move. I don't see this as being a big deal.
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