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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. All the "take a knee" players should man-up, not pay their taxes, and Take a Knee with the IRS! If you truly don't support the USA, why support the USA?
  2. I really don't care about player's views on this or that. They are employees, and as such are there to do a very well paying job, and should leave their individual "views" at home. Two things I learned, at a very young age were; respect, and time and place. Treat others with respect, and recognize the time and place where you choose to demonstrate your views. If you're not respectful, and what you are saying/doing is not appropriate to the time or place, then you keep quiet! The NFL should have taken care of this a long time ago. Once they see that Fans don't accept the "on field" displays, and they see all the empty seats, maybe they will figure it out? Going to games is so expensive, that it won't take long for people/fans, to decide to spend their money, and their time doing something else.
  3. I'll bet she put it all on Black!
  4. Fredo speaks!
  5. Just found out that Nick Buonoconti has it too. Never liked him as a player but feel sorry to hear that too.
  6. Did anyone notice all the empty seats in San Fran, last night? Looks like many of the fans took a knee! The Niner's should be asking Jacksonville who they use for seat tarps?
  7. That was my wedding anniversary, from my first try, so already been there and done that!
  8. As with any presentation, what you see is colored by the producer's views on the subject. Having said that, it's on PBS, so that speaks for itself. I'm a Viet Nam era vet., but never served there, so I am watching. The war was a national tragedy! Every time I see "the Wall," I ask myself; What for?? Sadly, I'm not sure the USA learned a lot from that, and most of the people who were the decision makers, are either deceased, or retired, so I'm always afraid that we could make a similar mistake in the future.
  9. After the Carolina loss maybe New Era will start serving some of this? There are remarkable parallels.
  10. If we ever do well, he'll be in a double hand cast.
  11. Sammy would NOT have made a difference in this game! Having said that, it's time to try Peterman. I know that won''t happen unless Tyrod gets hurt, BUT.....
  12. I've never been a Jerry Jones fan but what has Roger done to deserve anything?
  13. Well they're not the Disney channel, and the NFL is drifting. Since they (NFL) chose not to stand up to the on field "protesters" we are missing both the Sports and the Entertainment! So they both will continue to lose viewers, revenue and ratings.
  14. An 81 Buick Regal! What a piece of crap! Traded it for an 83 280ZX, and never went back to a GM car.
  15. The normal judges recused themselves? What else was going on?
  16. I'd look at the NFL the same way I look at the NBA, since the Braves left...What NFL??
  17. As some "older" fans will say..Depends!
  18. We went to a SB party this year. One "all-in" Pats fan, who was invited, was a no-show, for fear that they would loose. One who did show, was on the verge of tears, till the come-back. And, yes, I doubt they were Pats fans before 2000. I'm a BILLS fan because that's my home, ans I grew up with the team. They're not the; North of Pennsylvania BILLS, or the WNY BILLS, or the South of Ontario BILLS, they're the Buffalo BILLS. I say that because these people are from Maine! New England, maybe, but Boston, hell no!
  19. I'm just praising God that, as of now, the game will be on local TV, in SE VA., on Sunday. That will save me a bar bill!
  20. What a great marketing concept...see something to people that could potentially kill you...pure genius.
  21. We've taken a river cruise from Basel Switzerland to Amsterdam on the Rhine, and Budapest to Vilshofen, about 1hr E of Munich, on the Danube. The Rhine locks were more frequent more picturesque, and more entertaining. No drunks observed on either river.
  22. Looks like a meth head!
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