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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Mozart & Bach please. Brandenberg Concereto is a favorite.
  2. She states that she has a life threatening medical condition but carries no documentation, or prescriptions to verify? Then pleads to stay?? What did she expect? The aircrew has no way to verify her "fitness to fly," so Buh-bye!
  3. :thumbsup:
  4. That;s OK. They put their money down, and see something that they don't have at home. IF they did have it at home, it would be 2x as expensive!
  5. I don't mind being "shouted down." Went through all this with Viet Nam, so it's nothing new.. We're not talking about people protesting "on their own time." These are highly paid athletes who could never replace their income and status, but having said that, they are also employees of the teams and by extension the NFL who is responsible for anything that happens. It's funny that the NFL refused to remember 9-11 because it was "too political." They also refused the Dallas Cowboys from remembering the 5 murdered Dallas Police officers, for the same reason. Somehow this is not too political for them? Protesting is not about "smashing" anything! And no, I don't rely on Fox news to form my views. I'm very capable of forming views without outside "news" influence. The racist tag, always comes at the end of a conversation where the person using the tag, has been unable to prove or accept the other side.
  6. It's anything but absurd! Many of us were raised to honor God & Country, and see all the kneeling foolishness as an attack on their values. Many fought and died for what we have today, and the flag represents all that. People naturally respond to that. As for Social media, I've never been a subscriber but have heard horror stories about people being attacked and threatened for expressing their views. Obviously that reflects a lack of values and respect, and those who were not raised that way, just don't get that! Just heard on the radio that a bar in N VA is cancelling Sunday Ticket because they have a daughter that is currently serving in the military, They clearly have the courage of their convictions, may suffer from a business standpoint, but are OK with that, so I support them..
  7. Did he get a disability after the laser attack in Detroit?
  8. Yes I do!
  9. Maybe on whatever stadium replaces whatever replaces New Era, then again, NO.
  10. Wondering why so many NFL players are "praying" before the game?
  11. Not a bad idea! Most of them couldn't spell cat if you spotted them the c and the a.
  12. That's great, just when we see the fans settle down, we have all the foolishness on the field.
  13. Will they have stats for that too?
  14. Having been thru so many.embarrassing L's, I'll take it!
  15. I'm tired of all the "in your face" type protests.. People are certainly entitled to their personal feelings but places of employment, and also entertainment venues are neither the time or place for them. Protest as an individual all that you want but don't hide behind a mob, or place of employment to represent your views as those of an otherwise disinterested group.
  16. I hope ANY former BILLS player should be allowed, and welcomed, on the sideline. We DO need all the support that we can get. Just because Jim has become "high profile" right now, is no reason to raise this question.
  17. I expect that if she's with a group, she'll be OK. I also would expect that a responsible group leader would warn the kids of the dangers ahead of time. Italy is my favorite country to visit. Don't know where she will be going, but it's a very beautiful, fascinating place. Having said that, of all the European cities I've visited, Rome is the only place where we were warned not to take the subway, because it's said to not be safe. You also can't hail a cab in Rome. They are only allowed to park in designated holding areas. No cruising for business, so you have to find a cab stand, and that's a challenge if you don't know your way around.
  18. Have not been to Italy since 2013. They have taken a lot of N African's, so I don't know. They are big in selling knock-off purses etc. Spread the bed sheet out, spread the merchandise out, and try to get people to buy. Very big in Florence. They usually have look outs, so when they get the signal that the police are approaching, everything gets folded up, and they blend in to the crowds. Tell her to beware of the pick pockets. They love to hang around the sites, and when you try to take a picture, or are otherwise diverted, they strike. Even young kids do it.
  19. That's very true BUT they are not the people who fill the stands and buy the stuff! NEVER see any celebs in the stands at any NFL LA games.
  20. I've hated them since they let the Cheetriots win the SB!
  21. Just read that Villanueva's jersey is a hot item. The consumers seem to be speaking.
  22. Different era guys. Jim was raised that way, and that's good If the NFL is smart they will outlaw personal politics at the games. It's entertainment, not a political event. At the London game, nobody took a knee for God Save the Queen!
  23. That's good to know. I've never been a big wings fan, but I am celiac (gluten free). I'm envious of the fans who can eat beef on wek, which they do have.
  24. I agree! Bad location, but at least there is plenty of parking. Carytown wouldn't have that. We prefer Hurley's, just E of Short pump on W Broad St. Anchor would be closer for us but Hurley's gives us the whole rear bar area, and outside (seasonal). I went to the Anchor Bar once, and was NOT impressed. The servers are clueless! I'd like to see it succeed but between the bad location, and the service problems, I don't know? Wegmans Pub in Midlothian has Sunday Ticket, but you have to sit at the bar because they only have 3 TV's, and that's where they are located, so not really an option. BILLS Backers VA meets at Hurley's.i
  25. Good time to go, the Euro is down.
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