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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. A great entertainer who would have to change his first name in today's "culture." RIP.
  2. Did she jump out of your cake??
  3. They need the game as much as we do. It would be stupid of them to overlook the BILLS, and they have to keep that idea in front of their players.
  4. That's sad, but I'm not surprised. There are a lot of restaurants that came & went at Stony Point. It's the location..
  5. Live S of Richmond VA., and after dark, most of the local AM stations reduce their power, so on the AM dial, am always fishing for something interesting.
  6. THat's unusual. AM yes, but not FM. FM is a line of sight signal, so is tangent from the antenna. Usually 40-50 miles tops, depending on signal strength. I'm assuming you're on the ground when you're doing this?
  7. DT was another Rex executive decision. We are blessed to have him back!
  8. Well I did, but I thought we were in real trouble in the Atlanta game when we settled for a FG late in the game. They had plenty of time to score, and win. It's just part of being a BILLS fan!
  9. Well they're old people and it was a good story.
  10. Anybody got a fork, to stick in him?
  11. If the NFL is really worried about this, they need to get it off ESPN and back to network TV.
  12. When you get near the stadium, the Wal Mart on Southwestern Blvd. is usually a good bet. It's not even as trashy as most.
  13. Guess that makes me a DeploraBILL?
  14. No reason for them ever to not be released. It could be about as exciting as Geraldo's Al Capone show.
  15. ICE report.
  16. That's crazy! We give up way too many 3rd and longs! Defense is great for first two downs then????
  17. No, he'll come back here because he misses Chippewa St.
  18. Word is that the Sonoma fire was started by an illegal. Sonoma is a sanctuary county, inside a sanctuary state. If that's true, it's even more tragic for all the families and businesses that lost everything!
  19. He's a fool! He lost 14 of 16 after all this began. People who buy into this don't have their mind on the game. IF he was successful, we wouldn't be talking about this! Can anyone see a Mike Singletary type taking a knee, and then somehow putting his "gamer face" on, and keeping his head in the game, the way we all remember him? It couldn't happen!
  20. Maybe I can do that? I can't play either!
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