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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. What state is he in now? As Chris Rock said; "OJ did it, BUT I UNDERSTAND!"
  2. The process has stuck us in the as* a few too many times.
  3. How did he get away??
  4. I'm old enough to remember when they actually did have a band at the Rockpile. I like the Blue Kneelers.
  5. Praying that he can pass his physical!
  6. How do we do it???? VOLUME!
  7. It will be BILLS October weather. Temps in the 40's wind 7-8, w/occasional 12-15 gusts
  8. He's all about the future, and I guess Terry has bought into that. I'm still enjoying 4-2, so hope for the best going forward.
  9. We're lucky we at least got a draft pick for him. The important thing was dumping that contract ASAP. No more "excuses" either!
  10. Cheap date??
  11. Don't go in winter, you'll freeze your pasties off. Don't go in the winter, you'll freeze your pasties off.
  12. Too bad he's in Cleveland and not Charlotte. Nascar would snap him up, as soon as he gets out of Juvie.
  13. Well I'm double offended BUT if I was hired to do a job, I'd do it, and not care what the boss thought about things;
  14. Activism just does not pay like it used to?
  15. Bon Jovi was a phony! All talk and not enough Loonies, eh?.
  16. The Ravens DIDN"T kneel/protest for the Anthem, and the Dolfelons did! Just shows who had their mind in/on the game, and who didn't.
  17. I wouldn't watch that 40+ year old Budweiser Christmas commercial ever again, as protest!
  18. It's an action that undoubtedly speaks louder than any words. Way to go Pegula family!
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