Tragic loss. Prayers to the families/friends of the survivors.
Every time a similar event happens, we hear about the need for more laws. What's overlooked is that these "outlaws" are the exact people who have no regard for the law, whatever the laws may be.
Seems to be a European location. They drive very fast, especially in the L lane, and just assume that the road will always be clear. The hit car was black, as was the road surface, so not much contrast for approaching drivers.
This was a winnable Conference game, and these are a tie-breaking component. IF we make the playoffs, we will need ALL the help we can get, and this one will hurt.
My wife insists that we have a 2yr extended warranty. If it does not sh*t the bed in 2 years, it should be OK for a while. I am against the warranty scam but we all know how this will end?