Now that the "glow" has calmed, have to say that Airports are not equipped to handle this type of activity.
I was working at Dulles in maybe 77 when the Redskins won the championship. Same deal! Come out to Dulles to "greet the Redskins!" That was a normal eastern time afternoon game, so not a midnight arrival. At that time the Dulles access road was 2 lanes between I-495 and the airport. About 30-40 minutes before the plane arrived, I was in the tower and as far as you could see, looking east, were headlights, and they were not moving. The first problem happened when some impatient driver decided to drive on the shoulder of the road. They worked fine till he got to an underpass, at which time, he couldn''t stop, and the car went down the embankment. Next drama was in the actual terminal. Word was that after all that, the Redskins had departed Dulles, via a service road, to Redskins Park, and nobody was going to see the team. 1 or 2 people were pushed through plate glass windows at the restaurant. So you have fans who have had a few drinks during the game, and maybe should NOT be driving, trying to get to the airport, where they are not going to do/see what they were expecting.
Fast forward to now, we're 16+ years past 9/11. There are layers of airport security that didn't exist in the 70's. Everything is secure with monitored perimeter fences and monitored security gates, and unless your thing is standing and shouting over a 10-12 foot fence in freezing temps, in the dark, the better option is to stay home, stay warm, and let the TV people cover whatever non-event is happening at the airport.