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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I lost my Mom in '82. Her death certificate said kidney failure, but she passed away at Roswell. I know what you mean about your Mom trying to protect you. I felt the same way too! We'll be praying for you and your Mom. My Mom's been gone for a while but I can't believe they have not figured a cure(s) out yet?
  2. No matter, they all changed their shorts after that.
  3. Wife & I had dinner in the French quarter of Montreal several years ago. There are no street signs, along the curbs because they plow the sidewalks too. Had a great French meal, but our rental car had a ticket, when we came back. It was a rental car with Vermont plates. The ticket had some boxes along the top with: Quebec, Ontario, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York. The officer checked some box, but NOT Vermont. I'm sure some poor SOB is still swearing he wasn't even in Montreal, but we never heard anything about it again.
  4. Well, Shaq once was asked what's closer, LA or the Moon? He said the Moon, because he can see that from his front door, but LA is a 4-5 hour plane ride.
  5. Yes the Raiders were yada'ing all the way to 6-10.
  6. This could be the cause of the deflated balls?
  7. Does Doug have an "escape" clause??
  8. Kneeling was/is nothing more than a distraction, in a game where that can be fatal. Look at the W-L records of the" protesting" teams. If your mind is not on the game, you will miss plays, and that costs teams games.
  9. Cut the show, and give me my freakin drinkl!
  10. The "natural look" is very big in Europe. Of course, deodorant is very much an option there too! I was on an Air France flight, a couple years ago, and watched the F/A's go up and down the aisle, sporting very hairy legs. Nice legs, but hairy too.
  11. Well they don't have wings, and somehow dog on weck just does not sound good.
  12. She was "in a position of authority?" A NC Dominatrix?
  13. No matter what anyone feels about TOPS, I have to feel for the employees. CH11's never have a happy ending for the employees. Ask any; airline, steel worker, auto worker etc., how they made out? I had to "start over" at 56, after 35 years with a company. It wasn't easy, but I did find another job, and worked for another 12 years, before retiring again.
  14. Is that handy to a fault line?
  15. He's been in failing health for a long time. R.I.P.
  16. True enough, but eventually the music stops! You know, ashes to ashes...etc.
  17. No, that's my non de plume.
  18. I hope we somehow get Baker.
  19. OK, everybody wants to live a long life, but when you get to a certain point, you will have outlived most, or all of your friends. If you make it that long, not too many people want to "hang out" with you! Maybe that's where the alcohol comes in?
  20. "Dutch low cost airline?" Too much time in the "coffee shop" before departure?
  21. There's much to be said about the "breeding."
  22. Happy Birthday! Sorry the stadium isn't named after you anymore.
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