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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. IF it's self-driving, why the dumb-as* in the front seat? Obviously not "driving!"
  2. Will they be counted in the 2020 census?
  3. Without question!
  4. Likely there were no warning signs around.
  5. You dream about guys?? Seriously, I hope for the best for the BILLS, but always temper that with the normal disappointment.
  6. Serious apparent cross wind, and ice/snow road surface, how the hell do you stay on the road?
  7. God Bless him! He's a tough guy, and can get through this. I had a non-cancerous pituitary tumor removed 3/19. Tough 5 days for me AND my wife, but no reconstruction needed, so I'm still my old ugly self!
  8. Had that last year. Need to go back in 2020. Pre-procedure, I asked the Doc what they were giving me? He said Propofol. I said isn't that what did in Michael Jackson? He said, well yes it is! The big difference here, is that you do not have a quack administering it.
  9. Worked at a larger airport for 12 years, on the airfield. The lights & signs ran 400v constant current. Bad stuff! Whenever we were replacing in-pavement runway/taxiway lights, we'd break it open, and there was usually several inches of ground water, that the light was sitting in. Ground water meant nothing! LED lights are energy savers, but absent the by product of heat, easily ice over in the winter. Chip the ice/snow away, and they remain on.
  10. Look for a job at 55-56 yrs old. Worked for one company for 35 years. They went CH11, I could retire, so I did. But I couldn't really "retire," so the resumes were flying. Found another job, worked there for another 12 years, and retired @ 68 yrs, with a small pension from the 12 year employer. Scary time, lost a lot of my earned promised pension benefits but was blessed, and made it.
  11. Enough money to pay for good PR.
  12. Were you praying while that was happening?
  13. They all started out on bicycles.
  14. How do people ever have the time/money for such foolishness?
  15. Brady would have told him to hide it in his cell phone, then drive over the phone. It worked for deflate gate!
  16. Yeah, too many bad raps on this board! That's the same Rosen, right??
  17. Get your Butter Lambs & Pussey Willows early, and avoid last minute shopping at the B'way Market.
  18. Is the Ice Dam fixed?
  19. Yes, I'm from there too. Seneca city line section. Left BUF in 1970. Time has not been kind to the old "neighborhood!"
  20. Many of those type trucks have micro switches that prevent moving the vehicle with the boom extended.
  21. I saw the plane, before the chute, and was wondering how it could even be in the air, with no forward speed. I'm sure the pilot is relieved, the insurance company, not so much.
  22. It's snowing so hard in Maine, I doubt if they could see the sky.
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