IF taxes are bad, you have the option of moving! Buffalo lost out on jobs because the aged factories were too old and inefficient to update. Now they are gone, and the sites are mostly EPA super fund sites. Now we have the automation component in manufacturing, so whatever is built does not have a need for the large unskilled work forces. The opening of the St Lawrence Seaway in the late 50's sealed Buffalo's fate as far as jobs were concerned.
I have lived in: New York, Virginia, Washington State, Texas and Illinois. Two of those states, Texas & Washington have no State Income Tax. Despite that, they have many other tax options that roughly replace whatever the imagined savings would be for no income tax.
I assure you that I want nothing for free! BUT the high tax states are the most inefficient when it comes to managing tax resources. Today's BUF News has a front page headline about Erie County Welfare fraud. Gee, you think??
Right now, the state of Rhode Island is advertising a $10,000 incentive to get families to move there because they fear they will lose one of their two seats in the US House of Representatives. When I left NY in 1970, NYS had 45 seats in Congress. Now it's in the mid 20's, but NYS still can't figure it out!.