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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Looks too much like the Evil Queen in Disney's Snow White. She freaked me out then, and it's the same now!
  2. Seems as though this would be a good Tailgate event?
  3. I see a whole lot of problems here, that can't all be blamed on a Church. Maybe this is not the place to have a serious discussion, or make a serious decision such as a religion? If this were all true, I can understand why have all the curses and "bad luck."
  4. Bald eagles in super fund sites? Isn't that what caused all the crap 40 years ago? Too much DDT was causing their eggs to be deformed. So we banned DDT, a carcinogen, and now they love super fund sites? They're not even endangered anymore. You still can''t harm one, but they are no longer on the endangered list. You're right about the BUF waterfront. BUT, that's a situation where tax incentives should be introduced. The port of Buffalo is mostly controlled by NFTA. NFTA should be broken up, to separate the airports, transit and waterfront. In BUF, none of those entities have any relationship to the other. They're a political body who have outlived their usefulness. None of the NE US states have figured out tax incentives except Rhode Island, and that's a temporary one time offer, to boost census numbers, to try to keep an endangered US House seat. So, permanently lower the taxes, and watch what happens! People will come back.
  5. So BUF went from an industrial city of 500,000 to a "bedroom community," in 50 years. No doubt, Gov. Cuomo is trying to find a way tax the bald eagles too! It's the economy, or lack of a sustainable economic base that determines futures, not wildlife counts. It's time for the bedroom to wake up! The state has lost significant population, and by that I mean, all of NYS outside of NYC & LI. I laugh every time I see those stupid adds about NY being "open for business." What a hoot! Come to NY and they'll "give you the business!" Milwaukee, Chicago & Cleveland have vibrant waterfront properties and BUF has bald eagles?? So, I love BUF, because it's home BUT just not a reasonable place to live anymore.
  6. IF taxes are bad, you have the option of moving! Buffalo lost out on jobs because the aged factories were too old and inefficient to update. Now they are gone, and the sites are mostly EPA super fund sites. Now we have the automation component in manufacturing, so whatever is built does not have a need for the large unskilled work forces. The opening of the St Lawrence Seaway in the late 50's sealed Buffalo's fate as far as jobs were concerned. I have lived in: New York, Virginia, Washington State, Texas and Illinois. Two of those states, Texas & Washington have no State Income Tax. Despite that, they have many other tax options that roughly replace whatever the imagined savings would be for no income tax. I assure you that I want nothing for free! BUT the high tax states are the most inefficient when it comes to managing tax resources. Today's BUF News has a front page headline about Erie County Welfare fraud. Gee, you think?? Right now, the state of Rhode Island is advertising a $10,000 incentive to get families to move there because they fear they will lose one of their two seats in the US House of Representatives. When I left NY in 1970, NYS had 45 seats in Congress. Now it's in the mid 20's, but NYS still can't figure it out!.
  7. I love it all. Have been gone since 1970. Would return except for one thing....NY Taxes!
  8. Thanks! Maybe it will grow over time?
  9. Isn't all the confessing supposed to be done Before Easter??
  10. I am not Polish, but I enjoy and respect the holiday. Question is, why is this not really known outside of WNY?? I have also lived in Chicago, with a larger size Polish population, but they give you an odd look if mention the holiday.
  11. AI is as AI does.
  12. And NEW ERA will henceforth be located in New Jersey!
  13. No he forgot the F in what the BILLS would be IF that ever happened.
  14. So our Canadian fans need to keep an eye to the sky too!
  15. Easter for many is a sign of Hope! Sound familiar BILLS Fans?
  16. Well you do have the Ice Boom to protect you.
  17. Is this his dumb brother FREDO??
  18. It's where you hang your clean clothes to dry after you get the COAL DUST out.
  19. Np problem! Born in Pennsylvania.
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