I remember in the 70's when Disney World was new. The Auto Train started from N Virginia to Sanford Florida. You ride the train and take your car along, on the train. The intent at that time was to extend the route into the NE US; Philadelphia, NYC, Boston etc. So now almost 50 years later, the route has not been "extended" by even 1 foot. The cost to modify the curves and underpasses has always been too high to accomplish. The Auto Train cars are too long/high to use on the routes. Amtrack is always a money loser, so not a lot of interest here for high speed rail projects.
AFL Championship game. 12/26/64. BILLS 20 Chargers 7.
Color TV was still relatively new. We got a room at some Holiday Inn, w/color TV, off the Thruway in Rochester, because the game was blacked out in BUF. . When the game ended, the hotel went wild! Don't know how many BILLS fans were there, but there were a lot.
I can't imagine Terry letting the BILLS gamble that much on this. I would love to see us get a QB of the future, but not by overpaying with such a potentially bad investment.