We were returning from Germany, a couple years ago. For some reason, my wife picked up a banana in the Lufthansa club room at Frankfurt, Instead of eating it, she put it in her coat pocket. We got to Dulles, and were standing, waiting for our bags to come out, and my wife looked down, and saw the little USDA beagle sitting next to her. So we had to go to secondary Customs inspection, wasted an hour in line. There was a girl in front of us that got busted for having an orange. She ate the orange, while in line, and handed the inspector the orange peel. Secondary Customs inspection is a scary place. I think we were the only people not wearing a turban! Finally got to the front of the line, dropped the banana in the inspector's trash can, and we were out of there! I feel better knowing that our country was safe because the orange and banana didn't enter.