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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Maybe they were fighting over who had the highest property tax bill?
  2. We were returning from Germany, a couple years ago. For some reason, my wife picked up a banana in the Lufthansa club room at Frankfurt, Instead of eating it, she put it in her coat pocket. We got to Dulles, and were standing, waiting for our bags to come out, and my wife looked down, and saw the little USDA beagle sitting next to her. So we had to go to secondary Customs inspection, wasted an hour in line. There was a girl in front of us that got busted for having an orange. She ate the orange, while in line, and handed the inspector the orange peel. Secondary Customs inspection is a scary place. I think we were the only people not wearing a turban! Finally got to the front of the line, dropped the banana in the inspector's trash can, and we were out of there! I feel better knowing that our country was safe because the orange and banana didn't enter.
  3. It's about the only movie sequel that was worth seeing.
  4. The jet boats leave from Niagara on the Lake. They go towards the whirlpool, but turn around before they get there. The local's don't like them because of the noise.
  5. Did you fail the "do you have a the gun? question at the border?"
  6. It's not important on this board. As Prince sang; "Act your age, not your shoe size!"
  7. IF we stay at 12, I'd rather we didn't "settle" for a QB. Go Best Available Player, and hope to make a deal with another team, later on.
  8. After our EJ experience, what's the point of this?
  9. Thursdays are an upset to the game routine. They're usually division games because the travel times are mostly shorter, so limits the disruption.
  10. This is all sooo premature. Did we already overlook the draft?
  11. RIP! I remember him at the Aud, early 60's. I believe he sometimes teamed with Ilio DePaolo. That was the real deal! Couldn't believe he eventually got involved with WWF, which I always viewed as fake wrestling.
  12. Just live stream the whole thing, and spare us all the BS!
  13. Buffalo must have global warming and Erie is again playing catch up.
  14. We let Wegmans handle that.
  15. Battery at Battery Creek? Where's the news?
  16. That will be helpful if he tries WWE.
  17. So now we know that didn't work!
  18. I use Turbo Tax. Usually buy it in Feb., then just enter items as they come in. No complaints.
  19. IF this is true, the Giants should NEVER play poker!
  20. There are enough drugs in that area that they could imagine it being whatever they wanted. Open air lifestyle center may fit. Just not most people's "lifestyle."
  21. Yeah, me too! I was usually long gone by midnight but when I did have to stay, I usually listened. He was entertaining at times but a lot of hiss shows were just too far out to bother with.
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