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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I've been aware of being celiac since 2001. No gluten to include: beer, bread, pasta, most dark alcohol, with the exception of rum. The variety and quality of food has improved over the years. Because of the expense, I only buy organic if I can't find the equivalent product. That's not often, but it can happen. There's no cure for what I have, and no drugs involved. It's all done with diet control. If I didn't do that, my immune system would break down, and I likely would not have lived very long after the original diagnosis. It sucks, but considering the alternative, I'm making it.
  2. Those are only the rookies. The real pro's are still there.
  3. Yes, I totally understand that. If you're home there's no wait for the men's room, and you're always NO1 at the fridge, but for me, we have DirectTV, but I refuse to deal with them. There are no refunds IF we suck, and having lived in DC, Chicago, Houston & Seattle, the "other" games really don't interest me!
  4. That depends on your orders. IF we end up sucking again, I will have another major withdrawal of enthusiasm, and won't care about "other games."
  5. The body was id'd as Dick Jauron, and no, he wasn't dead.
  6. Don't you have any BILLS bars in your area? Bars don't usually want to sign you up for anything, unlike Direct TV.
  7. I remember them, and remember them being shut down for "tainted meat." Horse meat is big in N Italy, around Bologna Genuine bolognaise sauce contains horse meat.
  8. That's what I tell my wife. "The last check goes to the undertaker, and it will bounce!"
  9. She seems to have magnificent coordination.
  10. This is like looking at a Racing Form. It's all in the past.
  11. Go to TOPS, and buy Millers Horseradish. It's not on a shelf, but in a case near the eggs etc. Any TOPS employee can point it out. For some reason, Wegmans does not carry it?
  12. He seemed to like his junk food. Not saying that's bad, but Rick seemed to watch what the Old Man was eating, while he was "at work." RIP!
  13. Bio freeze sometime helps.
  14. Are there no original ideas left? How do the studios even find financing for this?
  15. Not unless there's a Super Bowl win, or more, involved.
  16. It's a Kentucky version of Love Canal. They're "concerned" about a nearby creek? It could be a huge tourist attraction.
  17. The Sabres are working on their own version of a "playoff drought." The players born in 2000 maybe can't remember the last Sabres playoff game 8 years ago?
  18. As the lyric in Proud Mary goes; "you don't have to worry, cuz you got no money!" The other half is; who's going to throw to him?
  19. BILLS swag? Well, they do have a lot of old name jersey's to unload!
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