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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Reading between the lines, if he's so tremendous, why is he gone? Now it looks like the New Era gig won't happen either.
  2. Yes, if that kind of show(s) were still on, I'd consider staying up to watch. Since they are not, "say goodnight Gracie!"
  3. Never heard anyone say that he "was good at his job," while he was with the Bills.
  4. Bang for the buck is fine BUT, make sure you locate somewhere that has good specialized medical care. Nobody's getting any younger, and we will all need something sooner or later. My wife & I "retired" in Seattle because that's where we were last working. Couldn't afford Seattle, and were tired of all the left coast BS, so we moved to Williamsburg VA. Williamsburg is a fine place but if you get seriously ill, you're going to Richmond of Norfolk for specialized medical of care. It's no fun to have to drive an hour plus, when you're not feeling well. Along the was we lived in Texas and Washington. Neither have state income tax but they have so many other ways to get you that it pretty much evens itself out. If I drive I-95 S from Richmond, I always try to fuel thru NC because of their gasoline tax. PA is the same!
  5. Being retired, climate is not a consideration, because I don't have to go out in whatever weather is happening. If it's too; cold, hot, snowy, humid, etc., I'm not there. Born & raised in BUF. Grad. in '69, left in '70 for my job. Have lived in; DC, Chicago, Houston. Seattle, Williamsburg VA., and finally Richmond. I've lived through Cat 5 hurricane in Houston (Alicia '83), hurricane Isabel in VA. 2003, and more snow storms than I could count. Any snow is Seattle is brutal because of all the steep hills. So, with all that, I'd go back to BUF except for one thing, Taxes! Retiree income does not go very far in NYS. I love it, but can't afford it.
  6. Which one? The Romans vs the Carthaginians or the first battle of the US Civil War.
  7. Just remembered; Chief Thunderthud, the originator of "cowabunga!" They also had "old time movies." They were old silent movies. Used to be movies with the "Tons of fun." 3 fat guys named Vic, Clint & Bullet. They were funny, in an old kind of way.
  8. OK, my apologies to the Princess. Never watched Romper room but do remember Miss Pat.
  9. It's not clear, but if your injury is "on the job," your employer should be doing the paperwork. If not, you may need to find an attorney to guide you through. That can be expensive but it may be the only way to recover.
  10. It's Howdy Doody Time!" Buffalo Bob Smith, Clarabell, Beulah Witch, Flub-a-dub, Dilley Dally....Good times. In Buffalo, TV didn't start till 5PM. Used to watch the freakin indian on the test pattern, till Howdy clicked on. Black & White on a 9" screen. Now people watch movies on their cell phones.
  11. Which Prison rodeo event(s) will she be in?
  12. Tasker had a chip on his shoulder. Would have played lights-out anyway, but he was trying to show Houston what they were missing.
  13. Yeah, me too! Life is too short to bother with the old meth queens.
  14. It seems that whenever we have a nationally televised game, the broadcasters love to show our fans making fools of themselves. The "fan frenzy" thing can get out of control, and when that happens, we all look bad. Not that we are bad, BUT, anytime Buffalo can be shown to be bad, it is. I just never see fans from other teams depicted this way. About 40+ years ago, we were on MNF, Howard was still in the booth, and some fool was hanging from a guy wire. Now if something happens, you just know they'll edit some old tailgate stuff in, and make some stupid remark about the city/team. I would prefer that the frenzy be deferred till AFTER we have something to cheer about.
  15. A simple campaign contribution to a certain Governor, may solve all of this!
  16. Maybe a bit more addictive than abusive? Don't be too hard on yourself! Everybody needs an "outlet."
  17. Always wondered where Cousin Eddie, from the Vacation movie, was? Now I know.
  18. When I was young, my dad had a cousin at Tupper Lake. Used to be a great place to visit. Last time I was there was 1990, and it seemed very economically depressed. To me, it kind of mirrors NYS. NYC & Long Island have prospered while the rest of NYS has been in decline.
  19. Yeah, I make them, then can't remember where i put them, then I start them all over again. It sucks getting old!
  20. My wife is 15 months older. Drives her crazy every year when she's two years older, till I catch up on my birthday.
  21. The owner is a very successful businessman. He didn't get that way by bankrolling losing projects. Stadiums are not long term money makers, and Buffalo does not have the economic base to carry such a project. Not saying that's a bad thing because most of the US cities today are no better off. At the end of the cost/benefit analysis, a stadium is just not in the cards. Also nothing will ever happen till the state bonds are fully paid off. This is not a part of Buffalo Billion!
  22. Eventually your mind starts writing checks that your body can't possibly cash.
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