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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Venezuela?
  2. This looks very similar to the Griff. Hang on to your passport, or you can't come home!
  3. RIP Aretha. We would be in a better place if everyone had a little more R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
  4. We were on the Amalfi Coast in Italy, and there is a bridge that had blocks added to one of the abutments to make it level. Maybe bridge building is not one of Italy's strengths?
  5. Yes, if you have a problem, they look inviting but wires are always a problem. You can't see them till you're too low and slow to avoid them.
  6. Well, between the taxes and the fact that many are not around to smoke anymore, that makes perfect sense.
  7. 1 syllable sounds like Luck!
  8. No, she's got METH written all over her. Stay tuned, she'll be back. She may stick out her tongue, for the mug shot, but I'll bet she couldn't make funny finger prints.
  9. Same here. Turns out I have an allergy to tobacco, so did the right thing, for once.
  10. Heavy rain in Virginia tonight. No way to watch.
  11. Check her back yard! There's no way you could blow that much at Disney. I'll bet at least 375,000 is buried someplace.
  12. That's how Vegas got to be Vegas. I believe that Open Season for Messengers coincides with NFL pre-season. Watch your back!
  13. Since I'm sweating with the oldies in Virginia, I'm looking forward to fall & football too.
  14. Or Christopher Walken.
  15. thoroughbred?? does that mean she likes to horse around? What's her bloodline?
  16. The 1,151 combined total yards earned by the Eagles and Patriots was the highest total in NFL regular-season and playoff history. BUT, who LOST!,
  17. OK, so they're guilty of drinking too much of their own Kool Aide, but as soon as they figure out that Marsha is 41 and Bill is 66-67, and that everything eventually ends/changes, they will become hostile. It's just been my experience that it's not very smart to wear any BILLS stuff, at any away location, UNLESS you're part of a large group of BILLS fans. If you are there as an individual, you are generally asking for trouble. The Pats line can't defend Marsha. That was apparent to the Eagles, in the SB. Everybody saw it, and knows it, so their end is near!
  18. That's what can happen when you build your city over Roman ruins.
  19. Anyone who goes to Pats practice with BILLS gear has a death wish! Suggest to you fiance that she get a BIG life insurance policy on you. Oh, you WILL raise the children as BILLS fans, right??
  20. Kim is more personable, and comfortable with the media. Not taking anything away from either of them because they are obviously a successful team. They both have different strengths and are using them for our benefit, so win-win..
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